An Update About Iron Ladies

Leslie Loftis
Iron Ladies
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2019

A version of the following appeared in my last post right before the election last fall. It isn’t new news, but it wasn’t easy to find either so I thought I’d bump it. I considered running this magazine as an editing co-op, but there wasn’t enough enthusiasm behind the scenes to pull that off. Most everyone who was involved here has their own projects now. That’s as it should be.

I’m leaving the magazine up because I think we have some good stuff here for any future curious people to find. But I am moving on. I’m going full local for politics and shifting to a project I’ve had on the back burner for too long: modern life administration. As in, I’m going to teach young people how to do it, merging the old ways with the new. It’s still keeping with the same goal I had in my writing, bridging gaps, but using community instead of being another of thousands of freelance pundits trying to persuade. Plus, I’ve complained enough about pundits endlessly chatting about problems that I’m convicted by the irony. It’s time to get to work.

I have few regrets about attempting this project to present conservative women’s perspective to the con-curious. I am disappointed it did not turn out as I thought, or hoped. But I learned. A lot.



UPDATE 2020: I restarted the Iron Ladies Collection newsletter in the winter of 2020. It is now monthly and you can sign up here.



Leslie Loftis
Iron Ladies

Teacher of life admin and curator of commentary. Occasional writer.