Human Trafficking Happens Here

Chloe Cuthbert
Iron Ladies
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2018


Photo by Chinh Le Duc on Unsplash

Whoever saves one life, saves the world

Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day, but for those who work for HSI (Homeland Security Investigations), a division of ICE, and more specifically, the HERO unit, this is something they are aware of every day.

In 2016 alone, HSI initiated 1,029 investigations with a nexus to human trafficking and recorded 1,952 arrests, 1,176 indictments, and 631 convictions; 435 victims were identified and assisted.

And that’s just the tip of an iceberg the likes of which would sink a thousand Titanics.

Human trafficking is the dirty little secret of America. It is the thing that no one talks about, especially in Small Town, USA. It can’t happen here, you say. I say bullshit. Peruse any webpage where adult ads are allowed. I guarantee you the majority of them are for escorts who are being trafficked. These women, men, and yes, even children are lured here with the promise of a better life, money making opportunities, a home; and then given nothing other than grief and hardship and worked until they are no longer useful.

Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash

These trafficked humans are found in agriculture, hospitality, restaurant, domestic work, and other industries, including prostitution as mentioned before, especially massage parlors.

The problem is real, and it is in all of our communities, whether we live in large cities or rural communities. The promise of a better life has brought desperate people here and forced them into conditions worse than what they left at home. The Human Trafficking portion of the ICE website has more information concerning specific case studies detailing conditions of cases they have prosecuted. The details are horrific.

No one should have to live like that.

If you see something, say something. Don’t support a business that is engaging in human trafficking. These women, children, and men deserve our support.




Chloe Cuthbert
Iron Ladies

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