Stop Blaming Women For The War on Boys

Iron Ladies
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2017

It’s Marxists, not women, who are responsible for the war on boys.

National Review senior writer David French recently penned a fairly typical conservative rant about how what he calls “the feminization of everything” is impacting our boys. It’s a worthy primer for parents of boys and girls alike, but be warned: French misses the vital point which is precisely why pro-boy advocates are losing the cultural conversation.

What French speaks of has nothing to do with femininity or womanhood and everything to do with Marxist utopian thought. While unforgivable his confusion is understandable. The feminist movement of the 1960’s conflated first wave ideology with Marxist theory to generate women’s liberation. Liberation movements (whether for women, blacks, Palestinians or otherwise) were designed to do anything but liberate. They were simply the rallying cries of community organizers looking to grow socialist party ranks. As it turns out, the methodology was so effective that conservatives 50 years later have a hard time distinguishing between the feminine and the Marxist. So do many feminists themselves. The ones who don’t, the Paglias and Hoff-Sommers for instance, are simply pushed aside as anti-movement pariahs when, in reality they belong to the anti-Marxist wing of the feminist movement.

If there is to be any hope for our boys (and our girls for that matter) we must confront this gross perversion of the feminist movement and recognize the presented ideology in its full truth. What French describes in terms of family, school and the workplace is nothing short of total bureaucratization of the Soviet kind that sees value in sending women back to work and placing children in institutionalized care until they can make a working contribution to society. He fails to observe that feminists who belittle the Father’s role in family life do so only in order to promote the State as father-provider in the form of federally-mandated financial benefits for mothers. And when he taps into what he dubs the “feminization” of academia in terms of “compassion and nurturing” he fails to note the culture of endless testing based on government-mandated curricula in pursuit of federal dollars.

This is not feminization, this is bureaucratization at its finest.

If we want to conquer the evils wrought in the name of feminism we must call the liberation front’s bluff. French ends his critique in much the same way any conservative culture warrior would do: With a recap of society’s war against all things masculine, Ford F-150’s and chainsaws included. Stop buying into the notion that this is a battle of boys against girls. That is the stuff of Our Gang, a mythical battle as old as Adam and Eve that will continue to sell at the box office. And that’s why Marxists use it to their advantage. If we want to save our boys we’ll stop pandering to the notion that they’re hated for their gender and start talking in terms of the bigger picture. Boys are picked on because boys are a threat, as is the image and vitality of the American male. The greatest enemy of the 20th century Marxist was a man coming at them bearing a gun in the name of the United States of America. They can’t tear up our flag and they can’t take away our guns so the only answer is to destroy the men, preferably before they even come of age. And as the snake so well-knew, the only and best way to destroy a man is through a woman.



Iron Ladies

Mother, wife, writer & intellectual. A cross between Amanda King & Camille Paglia with strong Dudeist influences. Total pop culture Anglophile.