The Collection: Father’s Day, Self-Care, and Le Terminator

Rachel Darnall
Iron Ladies
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2017

Leslie has had to step back due to her dad’s passing this week. I know all our readers will sympathize with her loss and understand as the rest of us try to fill in for her.

On a happier note, a very Happy Father’s Day to all our dads and granddads today! You can find dad-themed pieces in our Variations on a Theme section.

From Around the Web

Macron, Le Terminator by Anne-Elisabeth Moutet in The Weekly Standard

New French President Emmanuel Macron has been dubbed “Hollande 2”, but Moutet has a new name for him: “Le Terminator”.

Augustine, the Guilty Optimist by Elizabeth Bruenig in Arc Digital

Did Augustine “invent sex”?

Vaping: Reshaping the FDA’s Regulations (Video) by Sally Satel in American Enterprise Institute

Vaping is much safer than smoking and has helped countless smokers kick the habit, but the expensive regulatory burden threatens the industry.

Is Self-Care The Ultimate in Millennial Narcissism or a Healthy Habit? Yes. by Joy Pullman in The Federalist

Self-care is something that should be more or less taken for granted — so why are millennials so obsessed with it, and is that a good thing? Joy Pullman explores.

Variations On a Theme

Rather Than Judging Fathers’ Household Labor Let’s Appreciate It by Stella Morabito in The Federalist

Father’s Day Without Fathers by Kay S. Hymowitz in City Journal

The Virtue of Being a Dad by Melissa Langsam Braunstein in The Federalist

It’s Fatherlessness Day Again. What Are We Going to Do About It? by Suzanne Venker at

From the Magazine

Courtney Love, Better Than Ever by EdgeOfTheSandbox

Toward a New Resistance by Trudy W. Schuett

Towards a New Resistance, Part II by Trudy W. Schuett

It’s Not the End of the World as We Know It, So Act Accordingly by EdgeOfTheSandbox

Even Father’s Day Is a Feminist Holiday Now by Rachel Darnall



Rachel Darnall
Iron Ladies

Christian, wife, mom, writer. Writing “Daughters of Sarah,” a book on women and Christian liberty.