The Collection: It takes a village

Leslie Loftis
Iron Ladies
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2 min readMay 21, 2017

Recent Notes

The Day in Disgust by Ann Althouse | Althouse

A top 10 of sorts

Anne With An E Sucks The Soul Out Of Anne of Green Gables by Lauren Hanson| The Federalist

Less romantic dreamer and more PTSD survivor on the verge of a mental break

The Immigrant Mind: Immigrant and Identity by Luma Simms | Philos

About that Schoolhouse Rock video

Seeking a Sense of Belonging in a Divisive Era by Emily Esfahani Smith | NYMag

On the power of meaning

Variations on a theme: It takes a village (a Burkean one)

To Repair Our Fractured Republic, Get To Know Your Neighbors by Gracy Olmstead | The Federalist

To Rebuild a Village by Leslie Loftis

The Power of Hospitality by Luma Simms | Institute for Family Studies

Video: To Whom is Given: Business for the Common Good | AEI

A long look

The Cost of Delaying Marriage by Danielle Crittiden | Boundless

From the magazine

Continuing: Collections of a Middle Age, Middle Income, Middle School Teacher: Cursive as Secret Code by Dodi McVey Swayze

3 Reasons You Need to Listen to the Audible Version of “Free Women, Free Men” by Camille Paglia by Kitten Holiday

Iron Ladies is a collection of writings by conservative women around the web. We have an introduction here. If you received this email, please feel free to forward to anyone who might be interested. To receive this collection each Sunday, click the follow button on our homepage. We are also on Twitter and Facebook.



Leslie Loftis
Iron Ladies

Teacher of life admin and curator of commentary. Occasional writer.