Devblog 33: UI rework & unique games

Published in
1 min readJul 13, 2017

Hello reader!

This Weekly Devblog allows us to document our progress on our different productions, while keeping you informed every week about what we do!

Feno is working on a Windows standalone version of our content management tool, IronContent
Niels finished “X.O.B.”, a unique experience…
… And another one, “Caliber”. Both will be available before the end of the week
Benjamin is working on a mobile game we’ll talk more about soon. (hint: it’s about trains).
REPULSE: Galactic Rivals’ new UI!
A better look at our Kickstarter backers panel (with a bit of random generation to keep it fun)
Different Color themes are available…
More of Ben’s work

Have a great day, see you next week!

You can also follow our daily productions on Twitter and Facebook




Indie gaming studio. Bringing you awesome content randomly!