Devblog 39: MAZE is gorgeous, and so are you

Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2017


FENO (@madebyfeno)


Last week I worked on various stuff:


I made a short video of the safezone. I had some weird bugs in the Sequencer that made the whole render green-y. The bug ended up solving itself. Everything is under control.

“Breathtaking” is the word you’re looking for

I also spent some time trying to get our old level design workflow back on its feet, unsuccessfully. Really have to solve that, we need to remake the patterns of the maze in order to improve the visual aspects (and because the new maze generation doesn’t take the patterns in the same orientations as before :)).

Over The Moonlight

Made some progress on Over The Moonlight along with bit of optimization.


We’re thinking about starting a custom made Analytics system for our productions because:
1. They all suck
2. Real-time is usually a paid feature
3. Data is too important not to own it & being able to research it freely, without any rate limit.

So I made some ground work for that.

KERYANN (@KeryannM)

Hey! This week I worked a bit on REPULSE! A bit …

REPULSE: Galactic Rivals

I am continuing my UI implementation! I would never have thought that the UI could take sooooo much time! Just to get something a little bit cool and ergonomic! That’s kind of frustrating to spend so much time on a thing that wont be noticed^^
But, still here’s the end level results menu :

We will add a crown to highlight the best player!

I’ve also setup the environment chroma changes on the player selection menu. It’s really cool, but I’m still waiting on Max to upload all his work, his skyboxes and environment in order for me to change them during the transition!

NIELS (@NielsTiercelin)


After the B2B part of the website, we reworked the classic website with Feno.
We are keeping our “old” design with lots of GIFs and fonts, but are now making them appear at the places we want them to (instead of randomly), and at precise sizes.

Old/Actual Site
The new website, coming live this week!

The workflow to record, upload, download, write the new media down in the code, upload the code, and verify if it’s working is really horrible. It was not fun. At all.
It’s almoooost done, I need to polish some fonts and record one more video and I’ll have some time to breathe before we have to update it again.


I also started using Blender, so I can understand better what game artists have to do, and because it looks fun.
I only did one tutorial for the moment. It was really well explained for a complete beginner like me, and made me want to experiment more!

I played with the materials a bit because I like pink


We will be presenting MAZE and ROBBERS to potential investors in September, so I started working on that too.

BENJAMIN (@Valgoun16)

Goods Train Fever

I mostly worked on Goods Train Fever last week. I made a new UI for the orders : the challenge was to find a way to show the player as much data as possible while taking the least amount of space.

And I remade a lot of the asset to lower the polycount and increase the performance on low end mobiles. Some of them are 10 times lighter. This and with the system Nathan made we now have 50 fps on our low end device! I also started to make a final environment.

NATHAN (@grange_nathan)


Goods Train Fever

Last week was all about Goods Train Fever. I worked on new levels, made the UX better and integrated new things. Let’s start with an UX evolution that happened last week: Errors Feedback. Until now we had this type of feedback when you placed a container on a spot that does not fit with the container’s constraints:

It was shitty.

With the groundwork Keryann did, I made a new system that helps a lot with readability:

It’s less shitty now.

Still to have a better UX, Iimplemented the new UI system that Benjamin did, using what was already done for the old system:

This new UI make the game a lot easier to read.
Finally, I put some basic analytics into the game to help when playtesting. We gather datas in the background (like number of trials, timer & score) but we also have a mode we can use in playtest sessions to get direct feedbacks from the player at each level:


Have a great day, see you next week!

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