Devblog 46: Boring week

Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2017

Sometimes, we have perfect weeks: A lot of progress is made, opportunities are everywhere, and it seems we are developing at the speed of light.
Sometimes, we have weeks like this one, where not much happens:




This week was mostly about me preparing a presentation for Robbers with Feno, and that’s all. All my other administrative tasks were basically waiting for people to get back to me, which they didn’t.
Shitty week.


I released another experience, Ashes. I’m liking this one a lot. I did something with saves, palyerprefs and all that shit.


FENO (@madebyfeno)

Hey everyone,

I don’t really remember what I did last week but it was along the line of working on and doing some stuff on Robbers.

KERYANN (@KeryannM)

Goods Train Fever

Hey! This week I worked on GOODS TRAIN FEVER! We needed to have better performances so I digged really deep into it!

I found that as always Unity UI system isn’t optimized at all! I had to disable on almost all Text component the “Best Fit” option, and I had to improve the Scroll Rect system so it enables and disables its elements when visible or not.

Finally, I had big spikes when manipulating the containers, I thought it was some shader problem or rendering taking too much time, but I found that the screen shake, (yep, the screen shake), caused lag spikes!

Once again it was UI related, I had to put my Screen Space Canvas into Overlay Canvas, which solved the issue…

Weird weird world we’re living in!

NATHAN (@grange_nathan)

SORRY It’ll be short this week. I worked on my presentations for “LeChaudron” and on their web platform. The first presentation was the same as what Benjamin did last week:

The second one was also about Mobile apps:

It’s not just a classic presentation, we made theses like workshops where the participants are, as much as possible, making things and not just spectating while taking notes. A way better type of learning imo. I’ll share more about it next week if you guys are interested.

See you next week, I’ll tell you if everything was great and if they liked it!

BENJAMIN (@Valgoun16)

Hey, last week I went back to school, therefore I have less time to work for the company but don’t worry I’m still going to update you on what I’m doing.


I implemented the data system that keeps track of your money even when you close the application (a basic save system in short). I’m starting to work on the tutorials and I found that i’ll need to do a lot of thing like implementing a pause system to be able to stop the flow of data whenever we want.

Drunk scientist

At school, we had to work on VR this week. We had to make a game in less than 2 days with an HTC vive and Unity. The goal wasn’t to make the best game ever but to get used to the workflow of working with unity in VR. Our idea was to make different flasks the player could drink. Each flask triggers a different effect!




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