IHBCN Coding Crew

For this English run of Ironhack, we are a total of 16 people. Even though we come from different backgrounds, there is still that common link between us — the love for web programming.

Jane Heather Dee
Ironhack Web Development Bootcamp


It was my first time to be in a group of coders. It is very different from what I’ve been used to, from self-studying and doing the pre-work. It feels great to know you are part of a group of people who can understand you. When you speak code, they can respond in code.

With this class, it’s a dynamic learning environment. We are all there to learn and at the same time trying to teach our knowledge to others. It is very open, and I am discovering a lot about the world of computer programming. It’s not just all technical learning, but there is an unspoken sense of camaraderie between programmers. I don’t feel the sense of selfishness or competition in coding (unlike in business?). Just take a look at all the open-source projects out there. People share their code and improve on others as well for a better final product.

What I also love about Ironhack is that even the teachers are very approachable. You can ask a question to the teacher, the person beside you or the TA’s, and the turnaround time is very quick. Of course there’s always MDN network and Stack Overflow, but sometimes there are just some things that would be explained better face to face. Personally I think it actually makes you more productive. And of course, it’s always great to receive feedback in order to see your work through a pair of different eyes.

It’s only been a week yet I can say there really is a big difference between attending an in-person class and sitting at home by yourself doing all those online tutorials. Each person in class is just really motivated and passionate. By the end of the day it might be draining, but everyday there is a positive vibe which is refreshing and encourages you to keep on going.

