Microsite for a cultural festival-one week design sprint

Niharika Jha
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2019

The Challenge

Week 6 at Ironhack we had be asked to design a ready to build microsite for a festival .I chose a cultural festival called Mela Festivalen that happens in Norway every year.The festival promotes local artists of different cultures and has Music,Dance and Food stalls .


I conducted interviews to get some insights from the people living in Norway .The aim of the research was to know what are the things they would like to know and what attracts them before going to the festival.

Insights I got from the interview was:

  • Little information about the festival
  • Main attractions of the festival
  • Schedule of the events of the festival
  • Transportation and Parking Information
  • Date and Venue of the Event
  • Buying Tickets

Market Analysis

To know how other websites are displaying information, what contents they have.How other websites look offering similar culture fairs(music, dance & food).

Doing the market analysis really helped me develop the scope of my microsite design.

User Persona

Emma,Lives in Oslo

Emma likes dance and music of different communities.She is happy that something is finally happening in her city.She missed it the last time and doesn’t want to miss this time.She wants to know the event details and routes to the venue.

Information Architecture


Style Tile


  • Clean
  • Easy to access information
  • Cultural Theme Oriented

Based on moodboard and branding I created my StyleTile.

Style Tile

Mid-Fi Wireframe

Based on low fidelity and some testing iterations I created my mid fi wireframes.I created few versions of the home screen and after testing I changed the layout for mobile version in order to to make the design more usable.

High FI Screens

Using the mobile first approach I designed the screens.To make it responsive I did the website design as well.


Zeplin File

Having a clean and organized Sketch file made it easy to transfer into a zeplin file.


This project really gave me insights how a designer should make their designs keeping Developers in mind.It gave me better view when I pushed myself to code this website in HTML & CSS.This project really helped me think about the marketing side of a festival and putting the thoughts into designs.My next step would be making the website live and also make some animations in the designs.



Niharika Jha

A Software Tester in pursuit of UX/UI Designing