Engage, Repeat, Reward: Gameplay Loops

Mehmet Sezgin
ironSource LevelUp
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2023
source image by Rúben

In every memorable video game, there’s a foundational element that keeps players hooked: the gameplay loop. This concept is the lifeblood of any game. It’s the rhythm, the pulse, the repeated sequence of actions that players immerse themselves in. But what makes some gameplay loops resonate deeply with players while others fade into obscurity? Let’s embark on an in-depth exploration of gameplay loops.

What is a Gameplay Loop?

Every game, from the simplest mobile app to the most complex AAA title, revolves around a gameplay loop. It’s the set of actions that players undertake, over and over, as they navigate the game world.

At the most foundational level, we have the Core Loops. These represent the immediate, moment-to-moment actions players engage in. For instance, in a game like Minecraft, the core loop involves mining resources, crafting tools, and building structures. But within this loop, there’s a world of depth. Players decide where to mine, what tools to craft, and what structures to build. Each decision feeds back into the loop, creating a dynamic, ever-evolving gameplay experience.

The Delicate Dance of Challenge and Reward

Any effective gameplay loop lies in the balance between challenge and reward. Games that master this balance offer players a sense of progression and achievement.

Building upon the Core Loops are the Secondary Loops. These loops span a longer duration and often involve a series of core loops leading to a more significant achievement or progression in the game. Consider the Monster Hunter series. Players take on the role of hunters tracking down and battling colossal beasts. Each hunt is a challenge, requiring preparation, strategy, and skill. But with each successful hunt, players are rewarded with materials to craft better gear, feeding back into the loop and preparing them for even tougher challenges.

The Antidote to Monotony

While repetition is inherent to gameplay loops, it’s the introduction of variety that keeps them fresh and engaging.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a masterclass in this. While the core loop involves questing, combat, and exploration, the game continually introduces new storylines, characters, and challenges. One moment, players might be battling a ghostly wraith; the next, they’re embroiled in political intrigue or helping a mischievous god. This constant influx of new content ensures the gameplay loop never grows stale.

The Power of Anticipation and Aspiration

A subtle yet powerful aspect of gameplay loops is the sense of anticipation they can instill. Games that tease future content or challenges create a magnetic pull, drawing players back time and again. The Metroid series is iconic in this regard. Players often encounter areas or challenges they can’t immediately overcome. But the promise of future abilities, the tantalizing tease of unexplored content, creates a loop of exploration, anticipation, and reward.

Making the Loop Personal

One of the most profound ways to enhance a gameplay loop is to offer players a sense of agency and personalization. Dragon Age: Inquisition exemplifies this. Players not only shape their character’s appearance and abilities but also make pivotal decisions that impact the game world. Every choice, from political alliances to romantic entanglements, feeds into the gameplay loop, making each playthrough a deeply personal journey.

The Broader Picture: Meta Loops and Player Engagement

Beyond the immediate gameplay loop lies the meta loop. This encompasses the broader goals and progressions players aspire to over longer play sessions or multiple playthroughs.

The overarching, long-term goals and progressions players aspire to over longer play sessions or even multiple playthroughs are defined by the Third Loops. In Stardew Valley, the daily loop of farming, mining, and socializing is complemented by broader goals like upgrading the farm, building relationships, and uncovering the valley’s secrets. This meta loop adds another layer of depth, ensuring long-term player engagement.


Gameplay loops are the heroes of game design. They’re the structures that underpin every gaming experience, guiding players through challenges, rewards, and moments of immersion. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, with new genres, technologies, and design philosophies emerging, the timeless art of crafting compelling gameplay loops remains central. For game designers and players alike, understanding and appreciating these loops is key to creating and enjoying truly unforgettable gaming experiences.

Remember, as you dive into your next gaming adventure, to understand its loops and, just as importantly, to stay hydrated and take care of yourself. Happy gaming!

