Here’s Why Your Game Needs LiveOps

Mike Moran
ironSource LevelUp
11 min readSep 28, 2022


In this article, I’ll set the record straight on LiveOps: what it is, what it looks like in action, and why it matters. Not just for your game, but for the whole industry.

If you’re involved with today’s gaming industry — or even just a devoted player of games — the term LiveOps has almost certainly crossed your path. It seems to be everywhere: in internal discussions on strategy, blogs written by developers, industry forums, job descriptions, and on and on. But what is it?

I mean really, broken down into its simplest definition, what is it?

For as much as it’s referred to in the current epoch of games, you’d be hard-pressed to find an explanation — with the details you want and nothing else — available at your command. Sure, there are dense analytic reports and lofty thought pieces. There are exhaustingly comprehensive big-picture looks (I’m guilty of penning one or two) and podcasts arguing over the best approach. But there isn’t one reliable, clear, concise summary.

Which is why we’re here today. To look at the what of it without getting lost. To understand its impact without scouring through endless tidbits and tangents. To get to the point — efficiently.

Ladies and gentlemen, I wrote this LiveOps piece for the people who want precision. For the people who deserve it. We’re…



Mike Moran
ironSource LevelUp

Mike works at UserWise, helping to extend the life of your game. Say “hi” on LinkedIn.