Are you a Golden Bag of Trash?

No you probably are not.

2 min readAug 13, 2016


I enjoy realism so here is an accurate rendering of my face

*Trumpets playing triumphant music*

Gather around, subjects and servants to Him. Kneel, and pay your respects to the greatest of us all. A man among boys. A golden trash bag atop a heap of regular trash bags. He is, the Golden Bag of Trash.

There has been a meme going around with the above image with subtext something along the lines of “this is how I feel compared to people in my life.” The image says everything that is needed to say. We are indeed the Golden Bag of Trash as we all feel that we are better than those around us, but we still are not anything good. Trash. That is the beauty of the image. Inside of all the trash bags is the same thing, trash. Although I am most certainly a Golden Bag of Trash, you more than likely are just Trash.

No matter how I look on the outside

I know

Deep down

That I am nothing more than a golden trash bag

All of the other trash bags are drab

White or Black

Imprisoned within a dirty and odorous plastic bin that’s all

The golden trash bag however believes that it is better

It believes that the other trash bags are dumb and selfish

While itself, a gleaming reflection of everything

That makes a trash bag, good

Well there’s some words on Golden Trash Bags! I hope everyone enjoyed or were at least confused by the piece. It’s art so hate on it. If you think more people would like this or you even liked it you may comment and like the post, or heart it or whatever the kids are doing these days. Just tell me I’m Golden. #GoldenTrashBag




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