Field Notes for 9/14/16

Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2016

With the announcement of my promotion at work, everyone showered me with congratulations and warm feelings and that was a pretty cool thing. You can tell when people are genuine and when others are genuinely happy for your success, that’s something that is earned.

I am a big fan of coffee, top to bottom all of it. At the gas station for my daily sammie there were these new Coffee-nut MnM’s presented ever so prominently so what type of person would I be to deny my coffee loving self such a snack? Something that someone obviously put a lot of time, effort, and heart into the creation of, the coffee candies had to be mine. I recommend you enjoying the experience that is Coffee-nut MnMs with your favorite coffee as it is, without a doubt, 3 fire emojis.

Where on Earth did the phrase “High-felutin” come from? I hear everyone using that daily as if they studied dictionaries at Oxford? Oh you bet I looked into it. The word is actually spelled highfalutin. Highfalutin. Get a load of this word. Who had the gall to make something that sounds like two words, just one? Who has that power? How do I get that job?

The Color Rush uniforms that the NFL is rolling out for this years Thursday Night Football games are a big improvement over last year. Admittedly they aren’t all slam dunks, but the ones that are absolutely lights out winners. They achieve the goal of making a product that people will want to buy all the while breathing new life into the existing brands and uniforms all the while maintaining the core of the teams brand. My favorite are the Saints gold and white, the Steelers all black instant-classics, and the Bengals predominantly white unis. Cannot wait to see these under the lights.

Makayla bought me the sunglasses (my favorite pair) that I lost at the BCTC beer festival and thought I would never see again. This is just bragging about her being awesome.

Lastly, Jack White recently released a new song “City Lights” and the music video for it is quite beautiful. If you enjoy Bob Ross painting the most amazing landscapes, you will enjoy a dude in a shower drawing in the condensation very much.

White Stripes “City Lights”




Here you should find my observations on sports, commentary on the mundane, and pseudo-complex ramblings for everything else.