All About the Girls

Why Innovation Starts With Girl Groups. By Jules Spector.


For centuries, everything was run by men, for men. Women* and girls were systematically excluded from many aspects of a full life — everything from education to work to quality healthcare. This wasn’t cool. So, a bunch of badass women and girls decided that they would create their own groups and institutions, thus allowing them to participate in sectors from which they were previously excluded by the patriarchy. For example, women’s colleges, such as Barnard College and Radcliffe College, were founded in conjunction with large, all-male universities so that women would be able to attend these institutions without the gender barrier. In modern society, there are fewer obviously visible female exclusions — women can attend most universities and colleges in the United States, and no forms of employment are completely off-limits. However, a drastic underrepresentation of women exists in many fields of work and study, and even in the fields where women are adequately represented, they are facing inequalities, microaggressions and obstacles. Thus, the importance of all-women environments remains.

Women and girls are best understood by other women and girls. Sisterhood is a strong bond that can transcend many differences of experience and upbringing — and initiatives run by women and girls for women and girls, allow for important discourse to take place. In groups comprised solely of women, members can discuss shared experiences and ask each other for advice in dealing with inequalities in the workplace, at home, and in school. They can also generate innovations and ideas that have the capacity to change the world and balance the patriarchy. The only way that the world will become a better, safer, more peaceful place is if girls and women are given the same rights as boys and men. Women-run initiatives will ensure that this change occurs.

Radical Brownies

As the world becomes a more equitable place (because of the power of girls and women), it will become more and more essential for brands to support and recognize women-run initiatives. Brands must embrace the idea of strong women and girls making change, and reflect it in their advertising and production. If not, they will lose their base of support. The patriarchy is out of fashion and women-run initiatives will corner the market — so those who don’t jump on board will surely fail.

Diversity is essential in terms of gender identity, race, ability, and age — but without safe spaces for those who are discriminated against, the world would be a much less innovative place. Groups run solely by women, for women, are at the heart of the present and the future.

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Note: the term ‘women’ applies to those who identify as female, regardless of what sex they were assigned at birth. Those who identify as female but are not cisgender face additional inequalities that cisgendered women do not — and have never — faced. Groups run by women and girls must include non-cisgender women and girls. In addition, women (cisgendered or not) of color face additional inequalities that must be addressed. Groups run by women and girls must include women and girls of all races. Finally, differently-abled women face additional inequalities that must be addressed. Groups run by women and girls must include women and girls of all abilities.



The Irregular Report by Irregular Labs
The Irregular Report

Irregular Labs connects the ideas, opinions and insights of girl and gender nonconforming Gen Zs to the world.