Making Me

I decided to document the people who have had the most influence on me throughout the process. By Mae Krell


On December 3rd, 2016, I was sent to a treatment center in Utah. I was a couple months shy of eighteen, and was worried about my life and myself if I didn’t finally buckle down, do my work, and get the help I needed. Now, almost a year later, I am finishing the program and getting ready to leave. This program has helped me more than I could have ever imagined, and I am endlessly grateful for how much I’ve changed and grown. For this project, I decided to document the people who have had the most influence on me throughout the process. Before taking these photos, I spent some time writing letters to each person — thanking them, and explaining how they’ve helped me. I then took two photos of each person: one portrait, just while talking to them, and one photo of them reading the note I gave them. The aim of these photos is to be able to thank all of these incredible people that I have been so lucky to meet, and to be able to document and express it in a physical way.



You have easily been one of the biggest influences in my change since I started my journey of self-rediscovery. You’ve been here since the day I stepped into the house and haven’t left since.

You’ve taught me that just because you’re a certain age, it doesn’t mean you should try to fit a certain mold or expectation. You’ve shown me that being an adult is hard, and that that’s okay.




You are hands-down the most resilient person I’ve ever met. Despite everything you’ve gone through, you are kind, compassionate, smart, and so, so beautiful. You’ve shown me what resilience is, as you embody it perfectly. You have taught me that it is okay to want to change, but to know in what measure. You’ve taught me that I have the capability to do absolutely anything that I set my mind to, and my strength defines me.




Our relationship hasn’t necessarily been rocky, but I did struggle with making the switch between wanting to just hang out with you, and actually trusting you with my personal stuff. You’ve treated me like an equal since day one, and that is a great quality of yours. Everyone is good and everyone deserves equal treatment in your eyes. You have always been able to give me great advice, and have helped me make decisions when I couldn’t do it on my own.




When I need someone to talk to, you are the first person who comes to mind. I feel like we are very similar, but at the same time, I look up to you a lot, and I would really like to be as strong as you. You genuinely give me hope, and I can only dream of affecting someone the way that you have affected me. No matter what I need to talk about, let out, or get advice on, you somehow just get it. I am so ridiculously lucky to have met you, and I hope that other girls who come through the center will have the privilege and opportunity to feel the same way.




I’ve had a lot of therapists, and none of them lasted as long as you. No matter how much I tried to make you give up on me, you didn’t. No matter how much I tried to make you decide I wasn’t worth your time, you never entertained that. There is never a doubt in my mind that you care about me, I always know that I can count on you. You’ve taught me that who I am is okay as long as I believe in myself.




You have been through so much, yet still manage to be a friend to everyone you meet. You are an amazing example of someone who is a good friend to herself, despite struggling with your own stuff. You are so passionate about sewing, crafting, and making things, which I think is super cool. You’re unapologetic about who you are, and I really admire that and aspire to be able to feel like that about myself one day. You are such a kind, beautiful person, and I hope you remember that. Thank you for being who you are, caring about me and everyone else you meet, and treating us all like family. We all appreciate it.




You have helped me and my growth over the past year tremendously. Before I came here, I had never heard of recreational therapy. Now, it’s the group I most look forward to, and the group I feel is most challenging and beneficial. You’ve given me great advice over and over again, and whenever I feel stuck and need someone to help me snap out of that mindset, you’re the first person I reach out to. You’ve taught me that I need to care about myself in order to succeed.




The Irregular Report by Irregular Labs
The Irregular Report

Irregular Labs connects the ideas, opinions and insights of girl and gender nonconforming Gen Zs to the world.