My 4 Things of Influence: Michelle Zhu

Capable of being truly authentic and unapologetic at the same time. Zhu, 23, Australia.

Michelle Zhu

What Does Influence Mean To You?

Influence to me is somebody or something that is capable of being truly authentic and unapologetic at the same time. It is also being the first to say something that others may not want to say, and being courageous enough to start a dialogue about important issues. Sometimes influence can be unintentional. Sometimes people do not realise how much they inspire people when they tell their own truth — but they do.

What qualities do people/things of influence have?

Confidence in their own ideas and an authentic voice. The bravery and ability to realise that they may not be able to please everybody, and yet know that there are people out there who would feel solidarity through the comfort of an influential voice. It is difficult to list a set of qualities because what I think is the most influential is when somebody is their truest selves and is not ashamed to be so. I love seeing people feelin’ themselves, giving a shout-out to their own brand of beauty, because that energy is so contagious and warm and it gives me the strength to see it within myself too.

What is one person of influence and why?

One person who deeply influences me is Mitski (@mitskileaks on Instagram). I often listen to her music on drives home and find myself weeping to her lyrics. Like her, I am a writer, and I feel like my truest self when I am able to make some kind of tangible sense of my emotions. She has sung, in the highest of shrieks, about her struggles and her deepest fears. Through her voice, I realise she is not concerned about whether people criticise her for her narrative or her musical ability. Her main concern is saying what she has to say, and being raw and real and authentic. That’s what makes her so fucking good and so influential to me.

What is one brand of influence and why?

Angry Asian Girls (@angryasiangirls on instagram). It’s a brand and collective I came across one day browsing the internet. I had seen a bunch of shirts that said ‘Angry Asian Girls’ and I felt a strong connection to them. The brand itself defies the norms of what Asian women are often stereotyped to be, and this brand starts a discourse on the many things that Asian women and nonbinary folks absolutely deserve to be angry about.

What is one experience of influence and why?

I remember seeing Frank Ocean live at FYF in Los Angeles. I was going through a very strange emotional time, and when I watched him become completely vulnerable to the audience I realised that it was okay to not be okay during your lowest lows. He showed me that you don’t have to distract yourself with fake positivity, and that it is necessary to feel everything you need to. Though he is revered, he says what he needs to say with a nature that is simultaneously unique to him and poignantly relatable. Along with the thousands of other gazes that looked up at him, completely moved, I realised that his ability to be vulnerable and honest was everything we wanted to do too. And we can. And we will.

What is one ‘system” or platform of influence and why?

One platform of influence for me is Instagram. Though I feel like there seems to be a lot of perceived limitations in what being a successful Instagrammer might entail, everybody can break them. Once we detach ourselves from the idea that followers equals success, and we talk and say what we need to, we can utilise this platform to express ideas and connect with networks of people who share common interests. I tried to be a cool Instagram girl once and something just wasn’t quite right. I use Instagram now to tell my stories and to share my experiences. The people who have come along have influenced me, and I hope I have done the same for them.



The Irregular Report by Irregular Labs
The Irregular Report

Irregular Labs connects the ideas, opinions and insights of girl and gender nonconforming Gen Zs to the world.