My 4 Things of Influence: Senai Houchins

People or things showing you a new way of looking at something. Houchins, 17, Alaska.

What does Influence mean to you?

Influence means people or things showing you a new way to look at something. In most situations, these people or things want to help you better yourself or whatever you’re trying to do.

What qualities do people/things of influence have?

The qualities I believe an influential person/thing would possess are a very clear vision for the end goal, the ability to listen (because no one will listen to you if you don’t listen to others), and the ability to be calm, cool, & collected in difficult situations. No matter how consistent we want the world to be, it’s not and they understand that and are able to adapt to various situations. Lastly, they don’t just say what they have to say and call it a day; they stay very on track and consistent with what they’re trying to achieve.

What is one person of Influence and why?

A person who’s super influential to me would be my sister Cierra. She’s older than me by seven years, but has always been smarter than me. She always gives the best advice, has tons of life experience, and is a very empathetic and compassionate person. She influences me to be the very best person I can be and to always try my hardest!

What is one brand of influence and why?

A brand of influence for me would be Victoria’s Secret. I believe if I look good, I feel good. They never fail to make me feel/look good and they have the sweetest people ever working there. I wish I had more products from them, but I don’t have the most money.

What is one experience of influence and why?

One of the most influential moments in my life was at a YL camp this year. I was struggling with my faith and was getting really angry with God for never giving that aha moment where I (and everyone there) knew that God was real. I cried with my girls as a cabin and I was just gonna drop it when I had one of the girls in my cabin approach me and tell me that they would love to talk to me alone. I complied, and she proceeded to tell me all these things about Jesus and love and me — basically everything I had asked God to show me/answer. It was super crazy and I was immediately filled with joy and love; I burst into joyful tears then pulled it together for everyone else around us. I’ve never experienced anything like that before and it was so memorable and influential to me!!

What is one ‘system’ or platform of influence and why?

Lastly the system I believe is most influential nowadays is Twitter. Love it or hate it, it’s here and teens live for it. It’s a great platform to rant or preach or just post pictures on! The only downfall is that most people take everything on Twitter way too seriously. It’s all fun and games but sometimes people end up with hurt feelings and this results in “Twitter beef.” It’s pretty stupid, but influential to people that take it personally. It’s not all bad though, Twitter can be a perfect place to get the word out on a lot of important events, issues, or worldwide news!



The Irregular Report by Irregular Labs
The Irregular Report

Irregular Labs connects the ideas, opinions and insights of girl and gender nonconforming Gen Zs to the world.