My 4 Things of Influence: Simone Cambridge

To spark an interest in ideas. Cambridge, 18, Bahamas.

What Does Influence Mean To You?

To influence is to spark an interest in ideas. Someone who influences me makes me interested in what they are doing or thinking and therefore readjust what I’m doing or thinking. People can do this through style, music, a body of work, or even social media.

What qualities do people/things of influence have?

People/things of influence have creativity, originality and positivity. They have fresh ideas and viewpoints that are entirely their own. It’s important to me that an influencer feels genuine. When an influencer is always positive, that doesn’t necessarily mean unrealistic happiness, but it means they’re making an effort. The best influencers move forward without putting others down.

What is one person of influence and why?

One person of influence is Frank Ocean. He is talented, stylish, creative and mysterious. I think Frank Ocean gives out energy and quality content to attract and inspire people while still remaining out of the public eye just enough to maintain excitement about him.

What is one brand of influence and why?

One brand of influence is Asos. They advertise themselves as a brand that can bring something different to my wardrobe. They have clothes that I love at affordable prices. The brand itself showcases different people and styles and supports people doing positive, creative things. I also appreciate how this brand is always on trend, in street fashion especially, because it inspires me to try new things.

What is one experience of influence and why?

One experience of influence for me was the School of Doodle Workshop series (Nassau, Bahamas) because it pushed me to take myself more seriously as a creative. I realised that there were a lot more possibilities for me socially and globally. The event also brought me a lot closer to creatives in my hometown who I still keep in good touch with today while introducing me to people from different places I never would have met without the event. I’ve become more courageous in my life because of the event and inspired to learn.

What is one ‘system” or platform of influence and why?

One platform of influence is instagram. Through an instagram profile you can see what someone’s interested in, who they socialise with, and where they are. By following someone, you are making a judgement that you want to see this person content and this decision affects you every time you open the app.



The Irregular Report by Irregular Labs
The Irregular Report

Irregular Labs connects the ideas, opinions and insights of girl and gender nonconforming Gen Zs to the world.