According to Science, Rats and Mice Don’t like the Scent of Male Humans
What does this mean for the centuries of medical research on the rodents that males conducted?
As you’re probably aware by now, a lack of diversity in past medical research is revealing itself in modern science and medicine. Today, as more women join the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, we’re learning even more about the impact of centuries worth of sexism and racism in medical research.
Such as today’s topic, researchers discovered that the smell of human males negatively impacts mice and rats. Considering they are the primary animals used in research, this could have consequences we haven’t even discovered yet.
Lack of Women in STEM
On a personal note, when I started my writing journey, I thought creative writing and personal essays would be my niche. Never would I have guessed that science is the topic I enjoy the most and can easily envision writing about for the rest of my life.
Science, or math for that matter, were subjects I intentionally steered far away from in school. Now I wonder what my life would be like if I better understood scientific fields and their role in our lives rather than getting bogged down by…