Convenience is the Antithesis of Greatness

Why We Should Follow the Path of Inconvenience

Camille Cook
Irrelevant Matters
4 min readSep 11, 2023


Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

This morning, I sat down to write in a coffee shop on this gray and rainy Sunday. I felt excited to see what I would create, figuring what better of a setting could one ask for to get some good writing in, right?

Turns out, that wasn’t the case.

I felt tired, and my mind was moving in a million different directions. The creative juices were all but flowing, and attempting to get in a consistent groove on any topic felt like pulling teeth. All to say, the motivation was seriously lacking.

Writing was surely not going to be easy today, let alone convenient.

Actually, what felt most convenient this morning was staying in my apartment, curling up on my couch and throwing on cheesy Netflix a movie, perhaps while online shopping.

But if we live a life of convenience, we will never be great.

Let’s say you’re trying to cook more, both to save money and eat healthier. You are on your way to Trader Joe’s to abide by the promise you made to yourself to meal-prep for the week, when suddenly you are overcome by the mouth-watering smell of Chick-Fil-A as you walk by. The motivation you had just one second ago to grocery shop and meal prep immediately disappears, and all you can think about is fried chicken.

You suddenly start to question your original plan, as you think how much easier it would be to just pick up dinner instead. (Not to mention how delicious it would taste.) Sure, it’s the more convenient option, and may feel better in the moment as well. But it is clearly the less healthy option, and likely the one in which regret and guilt would follow soon after.

Photo by Maria Lin Kim on Unsplash

The same could apply if you want to exercise more. It definitely won’t feel convenient to leave your comfy couch to go to the gym, especially if you are not in the habit of doing so and you find the idea extremely intimidating. You end up finding a way to talk yourself out of it, concocting a narrative that all the treadmills are probably occupied at this time anyway, so would be a waste of your time.

But will choosing to stay in and watch another episode of the Real Housewives of Whatever help you get closer to your goal? Will it make you feel better about yourself and leave you feeling more fulfilled after the fact?

Probably not.

Not because watching TV is detrimental to your health, but because you are actively choosing to avoid setting out to be the person you want to be simply because it feels hard. You are opting not to take the necessary step(s) to live in alignment with your values because it feels easier to keep doing exactly what you are doing.

Why should we do what is hard if life is meant to be enjoyed? Isn’t everything in life becoming more convenient for a reason?

Doing the inconvenient thing now will always benefit future you.

For one, starting to incorporate these positive behaviors into your lifestyle will make it be easier to repeat in the future. Saying no to the “bad” choice now makes it that much easier to do it again tomorrow. It takes slowly training the brain to recognize that it has a choice, and the right one is always available to us.

Furthermore, future you will be immensely grateful to you for making the inconvenient choice today. Because whenever we take the path of convenience (i.e. the fried chicken) we pay the price later on.

Whether it be writing, living a healthier lifestyle, reading more, drinking less, staying more organized, or trying anything new outside of your comfort zone — setting out to accomplish something you value will likely often feel inconvenient. For truly good things do not come easily.

It may feel uncomfortable. It may require extra motivation to push through the growing pains.

But life is not designed to be convenient, and greatness definitely doesn’t come from living a life of convenience. So, if things feel inconvenient or hard lately, congratulations — that means you’re doing something right.

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Camille Cook
Irrelevant Matters

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