Clipping #65: The Purpose Driven Life

Irving Stubbs
Irving’s Clippings
2 min readNov 29, 2017

Megachurch pastor, Rick Warren struck a nerve with his book with this title, with the subtitle, What on Earth Am I Here For?[1] Millions have bought, read and used this book. What is the purpose of your life? Wealth? Success? Power? Fame?

A USA Today Forum included a great article by Stephen Mansfield. In the mid-1760s in Dublin, Ireland, John Wesley preached in St. Patrick’s Cathedral. He thundered against self-centeredness and railed against the disregard of the wealthy for the poor. In that congregation was a young business-man who purchased a defunct brewery and allowed Wesley’s words to frame a vision for his fledgling company; a vision for producing wealth through brewing excellence and then for using that wealth to serve the downtrodden and the poor. This young man was Arthur Guinness, the founder of the brewery that made the famous dark stout.

Guinness criticized the excesses of the upper class, sat on the board of a hospital for the poor, founded the first Sunday schools in Ireland and planted in the culture of his company benevolent values that continued to be expressed for 250 years. A Guinness heir received millions of dollars as a wedding gift and then moved his new bride into the slums to draw attention to the plight of the poor. Descendants of these purpose-driven pioneers include numerous missionaries.

To what extent do you think the Guinness’ purpose-driven lives contributed to their success?

Speaking of purpose, I invite you to visit the website and join us on a new and engaging pathway for spiritual discovery.

Irving Stubbs —

[1] Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI

