The Iryo Login Screen

What will the Iryo platform look like?

Alberto Malave
Iryo Network


This week the product team pushed an update to its Github repository and wanted to share the current status of the project with the community.

The platform will be piloted by the Walk With Me organisation (run by the non-profit organization Tying Vines, Inc.), an NGO that has close to 6,000,000 displaced refugees that will be able to test the platform. The announcement of the project can be found here.

The platform

The pilot project consists of a modern electronic health record management system and is set to be deployed in the next months. The platform will enable the efficient and secure storage and exchange of medical data between patients and healthcare providers throughout the various refugee camps.

The clinic’s portal showing registered patients.

Medical clinics within the camps will have the ability to create standardised medical records for patients with the use of openEHR. This open-source framework will be one of the core pillars of the Iryo platform. The use of openEHR enables the seamless exchange of data by increasing medical interoperability within hospitals.

Interoperability improves the overall level and efficiency of treatment provided. An added benefit of openEHR is that it gives patients the ability to jump from one healthcare provider to another without having to start their medical history from scratch.

Iryo patient doctor interface

One of the most crucial aspects of creating a platform that handles medical data is the security and privacy. Personal and highly sensitive medical data being stored on Iryo Network and in the Iryo personal mobile app is encrypted with zero-knowledge patient-controlled key on all the backups. Read more about our security protocols here.

Iryo doctor interface

Refugee camps tend to experience high levels of turnover when it comes to medical staff, therefore the platform needs be designed with this in mind. This resulted in an extremely intuitive, user-friendly yet very robust UI.

When an individual or family relocates to a new camp, they now will have the ability to take their medical histories with them which will automatically improve the level of care they’re able to receive.

As Melissa Mitchell, the CEO of a global NGO Walk with me, said:

“Our clinic might staff a general practitioner, but with the Iryo and Ver2 partnerships, we can now link patients with specialized care in almost any area. This transforms on-the-ground care, while keeping costs low, and facilitating opportunities for medical professionals and education experts to help from anywhere in the world; an incredible way to walk with us on the journey.”

