Iryo’s electronic health data management platform successfully deployed

As of May 16th, 2018, Iryo successfully deployed the first version of its healthcare protocol in Amman, Jordan.
Iryo Network
3 min readMay 21, 2018


Earlier this year, Iryo announced a partnership with Tying Vines Inc. to design an electronic healthcare record system fit for the dynamic care and treatment delivered in refugee camps throughout the Middle East. The final system will carry an EOS powered access control list to give patients the managing control over who sees their medical records and ensure the privacy and integrity of the data collected within the clinics.

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The first deployment took place in Amman inside of a mobile clinic. On the ground, the deployment was executed by Iryo’s CTO Dominik Žnidar and senior software developer Mateusz Krasucki, with remote support from the team in Slovenia.

Iryo’s CTO Dominik Žnidar

After initial setup and onboarding, the system was tested in a real-world situation the following day. “We were happy to see everything went smoothly and the staff found the system easy to use,“ says Mateusz Krasucki.

“Our EHR system is enabling medical care and treatment history of the refugees to become systematic. The key system specification is the refined user experience. Integrating the SNOMED-CT clinical terminology and the openEHR archetype, the architecture of the system supports key activities of the medical staff, while enabling patients to take their medical record in a digital form to any new doctor upon leaving the camp,” says Iryo’s co-founder and product manager Peter Kuralt.

Mobile clinic

Tying Vines Inc. currently operates 12 projects in 6 countries — Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Djibouti, totaling 11 million refugees.

Additional clinics are planned to be established in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, and Turkey, with a long-term vision of reaching 700 camps worldwide.

“We currently have three mobile clinics, one in Lebanon and two in Jordan with a goal to have presence in 700 refugee camps worldwide,” says Melissa Mitchell from Tying Vines, adding the organisations presence in the Middle East had already exceeded its initial expectations: “When we started the project three years ago, we thought we would treat 100 patients, we did not know. By today, we’ve treated 27.000 patients in two years, and we really need the IT support to help us grow into 700 camps. We’re very thankful to have Iryo as a partner in this mission.”

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The team at the deployment: Dominik Žnidar (CTO Iryo), Mateusz Krasucki (Software Developer at Iryo), Maryam (nurse at the clinic), dr. Rasha (doctor at the clinic), Melissa Mitchell (Tying Vines Inc.).

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