Wordcel integrates with Irys to permanently store its users’ data

Caylin Lo
Irys (previously Bundlr)
2 min readJul 18, 2022

Wordcel has integrated with Irys to permanently store its data, including article data, on Arweave via Irys. Wordcel’s platform provides decentralized publishing, which enables creators to publish their articles on-chain.

Irys makes web3 data storage accessible by making it as fast, easy, and reliable as traditional data storage. Its goal is to allow everyone both in and out of web3 to benefit from decentralized, permanent data storage.

One of the reasons Wordcel was created was to protect authors against censorship. Building the platform on Solana was just one of the ways the company ensured that its author’s words and beliefs were protected with blockchain technology.

While building on-chain is a powerful way to protect users from censorship, many forget that data storage is equally important. Many web3 platforms store their data on centralized solutions such as AWS. This puts the users’ data at risk of being hacked, deleted, and most importantly, censored.

With a centralized entity, you are trusting a company to give you access to your data. Although rare, it’s possible for a company to deny access to your accounts or change permissions to make it more difficult to make account changes. This is much more common on social platforms than it is for data storage, however, it still is possible.

By storing its data on Irys, Wordcel is not only protecting its users from data deletion but also censorship.

“Where you store your data is as important as how you build your solution. Decentralized, permanent data storage on Arweave via Irys was the only solution that would protect our users and their work,” explains Shek Dev, founder of Wordcel.

“Irys has been actively fighting against censorship,” says Josh Benaron, Founder and CEO of Irys. “We actually are working on a new product, Heroes of History, that strives to protect the voices of people around the world. We believe in what Wordcel is building, and are thrilled to be working with them.”

All work on Wordcel is now protected by Arweave via Irys.

To learn more about Irys and our technology, check out Irys’s documentation. For more information, feel free to reach out on Twitter, Discord, or Telegram.

To learn more about Wordcel, check out its Twitter or join its Discord

