Feedback loop: what it is, steps and importance for Product

The Product routine is based on discovering opportunities with users, validating hypotheses, analyzing data, and applying improvements. That is, we are talking about a constant improvement cycle, which can also be called a feedback loop.

Product Player
The Product Playbook
5 min readAug 8, 2022


This process, as important as creating innovative solutions, is a pillar for those who want the best results in Product Discovery. Therefore, here in this article, we will explain what the concept is all about and what steps are part of successful execution.

What is a feedback loop?

A feedback loop is a concept spread by Eric Ries through his famous book “ The Lean Startup ”. In the publication, he brings the term to the context of disruptive companies, uniting the concepts of experimentation, validation, and agility to propose a model of continuous interaction.

What are the steps of the feedback loop?

As the purpose of the feedback loop is to improve continually, the three main steps complement each other, forming a circle. They are: build, measure and learn.



Product Player
The Product Playbook

Unconventional takes on how to build, launch, and scale products. Also, templates for the essential PM frameworks and processes!