The 4 types of Product Manager you should know

Product Player
The Product Playbook


In his book “ High Growth Handbook “, Elad Gil (entrepreneur and investor with passages through Twitter, Google and other big companies in the technology sector) lists 4 facets of the Product professional. We decided to make a mix between free translation and reflection on the topic, so you can draw your own conclusions from which you most identify.

The Business Product Manager

These types of PM are excellent at synthesizing customer requests on a killer roadmap. Business PMs tend to thrive in software companies, or businesses that demand direct interaction with users. They know how to work well with sales and present themselves well to customers, yet have enough technical knowledge to work with engineers and designers, negotiating roadmap vs development team effort. They are great at setting prices, segmentation and customer requests.

The Technical Product Manager



Product Player
The Product Playbook

Unconventional takes on how to build, launch, and scale products. Also, templates for the essential PM frameworks and processes!