The Revenant: Exhausting and Beautiful

Vignesh. S
is the movie wow
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2016

Revenant is brutal story of survival and revenge based on the real life story of Hugh Glass’s(Played by Leonardo DiCaprio) expedition in 1823. After things go south because of bad circumstances, they head back to their base. While this happens, Leo is attacked by a bear and is heavily wounded. His men try to revive him but are forced to abandon him to die in the cruel weather. The story is all about how he survives when all odds are stacked against him.

Directed by Alejandro G Inarrita, The Revenant is an artistic film which is definitely not for everyone and the movie is really long. It is 2 hours 36 minutes long! There are very little dialogues in the film because there are just two main characters: Hugh Glass played by Leonardo DiCaprio and nature played by Emmanuel Lubezki. Nature is a character in this film because Leo is constantly fighting it. Nature is terrifying. The cinematographer has done a really good job of showcasing it. The long pine trees, sun peeking in-between them and the brutal cold ice. Everything looks stunning on the big screen and the movie is a must watch on IMAX. The visuals are so good that this is one of those films which instantly transports you to a different world. The other characters do not matter much in this movie.

The CGI Bear which Leo fights off looks extremely realistic and frightening. Leo’s acting is just brilliant. The movie is filled with long silent scenes, but the powerful emotions from Leo’s eyes make up for all the dialogues. Score is done by Ryuichi Sakomoto which manages to set the right mood throughout the film. You are in constant anticipation of hope and fear at the same time.

Revenant is a beautiful movie of cruel nature and a man’s focus towards his survival and revenge. Your heart will constantly be filled with terror and awe. The shots are extremely memorable and chilling. I don’t remember the last time I saw a movie this beautiful! The Revenant is not for everyone because of it’s format, but is held down by Leo’s acting and visuals which is a feast to watch!

