Trump as the test - pass test by not selecting him for office of president again and learning from the past decade

It has been pointed out that religious groups on the right focus on a fight of good v evil & side with Trump in that fight. However, being on the side of trump surely puts someone, perhaps by accident, on the side of evil.

Guinevere L. Nell

By choosing the media diet, despite many who actually disagree with his policies, many have fallen for Trump, even joined his cult for him and for probably primarily the community they got out of that. And their religious leaders told them to, and they believe them.

To the point of angry devotion to him personally, or the willingness o along with those leading that as a chant — along with “hang Mike Pence” — for not throwing the election back to a rigged system, violating the Constitution and using their votes to put him in on the basis of phony evidence — and no evidence — of voter fraud (let alone enough to change the vote) and throwing everything at the wall (“gishgalloping” or “throwing s*** at the wall” and other colourful phrases that Steve Bannon admits freely).

Trump supporters doing an attempted coup — many charged later

But the side that provides facts and evidence - understands civics, holds up to scrutiny and fact checking, not to mention the court cases, the justice department - is the side of good. They mostly keep rejecting it, often at the behest of their pastor after decades of Fox News and friends telling them it’s the right thing to do. But that could change.

The bad side has in his pocket at least two kinds of bought friends right now, at least a few at the very top doing what they can, plus one judge in Florida who managed to slip in, past Democrats.

And, it seems, most all GOP love her or are scared to madden Trump they pretend to love both her and the Supreme Court… Some may hate in private but that’s hardly helpful.

Cult members of Trump if they know — learn from real media — they might care but they don’t hear, instead they and love her now for her devotion to Trump over justice - and believe they are putting good over evil — just as the supreme court puts business and other personal interests over justice, but Trump supporters seem to care more about outcome than justice — some don’t like all outcomes, but what about justice?

Christian Nationalism, USA Style

They seem to believe conspiracy theories instead, in order to stay on their own team, even though it allows some to become incredibly wealthy, and those wealthy to amass incredible power like an oligarch — and inevitably leading to a dictatorship. They even support their justices passing things like Citizen’s United. Cheating and then dictatorship seems to be the plan here too; seems like what our wealthy/” would all do, just as the wealthy in Russia did.

Trump makes Putin so happy, when he sells his soul over, again & again.

So, these good people with bad information and helping those getting powerful powerful rich, while wrongly thinking they are doing good.

Justice is a key part of the constitution - if unfamiliar,, you can start with School House Rock - and Christians have chosen the side which supports power hungry opportunity, lobbying,, cheating, undermining the fundamental document - and the fundamental branches of government.

Not only do they disdain it, they tried to overthrow it. They tried to fake electors and get things thrown back to the states in way that would implant Trump into office rather than follow the rules, laws, norms, precedents - the point of the whole system.

Not only do they takeover Congress physically for a time, they practiced - part of a plan of decades - cheating both in ways they have, at various times over the years, maybe recently, made legal; and now in ways that are anything but legal (such as trying to overturn an election).

They have made it harder to vote & they let big money run a lot of the show, both through lobbying and groups like Heritage Foundation (where I worked for 5 years, so yes, I know all about it) and Heritage Action (same people, of course) and Turning Point USA, religious schools, colleges, state administrations & through funding candidates and ads etc.

Republican state and local government coordinate with these groups, and some do with right wing extremist groups and militias, especially since Trump; churches of a variety of levels of legitimacy, some prosperity gospel, some angry, full of lies and bigotry - these are all working on degrading the constitution, many have contributed to Project 2025 (yeah, that’s right, it was Heritage).

Many have been extreme like that, since the beginning the movement has been growing and shrinking — changing their tactics as they lose the majority of Americans — they do it legally and illegally - and they are not progressing towards a more perfect union, but instead trying to go backwards, forming a less perfect union. They would have fascist rule or some kleptocracy or a Handmaid's Tale type Christian Nationalism. Maybe a bit of each.

So, in a sense it is a fight between good and evil - right and wrong - and those religious types who believe that an antichrist might some day arrive, and, believe in a second coming - they believe it is a war between good and evil -- but we must reject evil -- at the ballot box, disavow him, realise he is closer to your antichrist than anyone - anyone - is to being a second coming of Jesus. Trump most of all is the opposite of Jesus and so looks a hell of a lot more like an antichrist.

But the good side, which cares about democracy, can welcome anyone who awakes to their mistake. We need all the help we can get — and cannot just rely on the courts.

Love and peace and unity - freedom and individual and community — let’s get along and agree in happiness ☺️ 😊 … and VOTE.



guinevere liberty nell
Is the Trump Administration Using The ‘Active Measures’ Playbook?

Author of books on Soviet history and Austrian economics, lover of 1990s Trek; I care about democracy and honesty in politics. Read my Trekky stuff at least!