Trump’s comments as a veteran with PTSD

Ryan McAdams
Did you reboot yet?
4 min readOct 4, 2016

Back Story: I served with the United States Marine Corps from 2000–2006, as a Basic Rifleman (0311) and Mortuary Affairs (9051). I served one tour in Iraq, at the start of the war and my unit was responsible for handling Marines who were killed in action, getting them home to their families as quickly as possible. It was a very difficult duty, one which will forever be with me.

Donald Trump has come under fire recently for his comments recently about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Trump received a question from the Retired American Warriors Political Action Committee which asked, “When you become President will you support and fund a more holistic approach to solve the problems and issues of Veteran suicide, PTSD, TBI and other related military mental and behavioral health issues and will you take steps to restore the historic role of our chaplains and the importance of spiritual fitness and spiritualization programs?”.

Trump’s answer was “Yes I would. Look we need that so badly and when you…”, which of course he expanded on, the transcript is as follows:

When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over and you’re strong and you can handle it. But a lot of people can’t handle it. And they see horror stories. They see events that you couldn’t see in a movie, nobody would believe it.

Now we need a mental health help and medical. And it’s one of the things that I think is least addressed and is one of the things that — like your question — one of the things that I hear the most about when I go around and talk to the veterans. So we’re going to have a very, very robust, level of performance having to do with mental health. We are losing so many great people that can be taken care of if they have proper care.

You know when you hear the 22 suicides a day it’s a big part of your question. But when you hear the 22 suicides a day that should never be. That should never be. So we’re going to be addressing that very strongly and the whole mental health issue is going to be a very important issue when I take over and the V.A. is going to be fixed in so many ways but that’s going to be one of the ways we’re going to help.

And that’s in many respects going to be the number one thing we have to do. Because I think it’s really been left behind. OK? Thank you very much.

I’m really not sure what the uproar is all about. I am finally ready to admit I suffer from PTSD… I know many people with service connected PTSD and at no point did Trump’s statement make me feel weak. It actually made me feel good to hear one of our “politicians” admit we have a real problem with veteran suicide and the lack of adequate health care for service connected mental health issues.

Contrary to what the media is reporting, at no point did Trump make the connection between how strong or weak you are and PTSD, he said that some people who served were able to handle it and some were not. Why is this news? Why is this important? Why wouldn’t the media be reporting on the fact that Donald Trump wants to make health care better for veterans.

We have to remember that by and large, the U.S. Military is made up of young people with very impressionable minds. People who mostly have not had the chance to build good coping skills to deal with some of the things which they have to see or do while in a war time scenario. It’s extremely important that we focus on providing them adequate tools to cope upon their return and right now we’re not even close.

Every day, 22 veterans commit suicide… some of which are linked to PTSD. I just found out someone I went to high school with, who was in the military and suffered from PTSD took his own life becoming one of the 22. That is unacceptable.

This has to stop… we have to remove the stigma that suffering PTSD makes you weak and it starts with the media. It’s disingenuous of the media to portray what Trump said as adding to that stigma, he’s being open and honest about what’s going on and he’s addressing the issue which has long been ignored by politicians unless it’s politically expedient.

We need better veteran healthcare, we need a system to help returning veterans cope with what they’re asked to do for their country and we need to be cognizant of the fact that the media and the politicians are only “in it” when it’s self serving. Veterans do not need the continued hero worship, free meals at TGI Fridays or the other ridiculousness, what they need and deserve is the support of all of us and the proper coping tools to deal with the physical and mental trauma inflicted upon them by their service in war.

I may not be the “picture perfect Marine” you see on TV, but I am one of the few and the proud. I served my country honorably and I want to see all veterans afforded the appropriate opportunities to get the healthcare they deserve.

