So Here This Begins..

Isabeau Gomez
Isabeau’s Writing Practice
1 min readJun 29, 2017

So Ten minutes starts now. Or should it be start? Subject-verb agreements were never my strongest suit. Im perpetually going to fuss about grammar. Not so much a nazi but borderline of some weird complulsion.

My thoughts trail off to where my anxiety over these rambles will start. I hate not having at least an outline of where this is going. Again, that sick drive for perfection barricades whatever it is I want to start and continue to be doing. No edits on this thought too.

Now where to? My blogging career seem over. Id really love to write for fun again. Impress myself and maybe a few who do read what I haphazardly say. I try to be witty. I like to live my days knowing my writing is put in high regard by those who matter. Got to work on the grammar. It’s so easy to be misunderstood and certainly that is a predicament of a hefty price.

I stop, for a blankness has enveloped my mind now and too much typo errors speed up the evaporation of notable thoughts. Two minutes more. Where to next? Location, predisposition they’re all a blur.

A friend has flown away to the side of the Atlantic. How quickly people slip away. How strange to feel sadness as if… Things are not what they were anymore.

Time’s up! Here This Begins..

