Can an Affordable EMR Still be Good for Your Practice?


Finding an affordable EMR for your practice that still meets your needs can often seem like an impossible task. Too often, some providers settle for software that saves them money in the start but brings more issues down the road. As time passes, problems with the EMR come out of the woodwork, leaving providers with risk and uncertainty. Working with your team to integrate new technology and procedure is already hard enough, the functionality of the software should be ready for your practice to utilize on day 1. While this all can be true for affordable software, the same can be said for overpriced software. Just because an EMR is at a higher price than its competitors, does not mean it is better quality. Affordable EMRs can be of great quality and can keep your practice well above water if you look for these key qualities.


Not every provider/lab/pharmacy operates with the same interfaces, often leaving affordable EMR software incompatible. This can sometimes cause problems with the utilization of e-prescriptions and electronic lab orders if the information cannot be exchanged between providers. The developments in the Meaningful Use Stage 3 regulation are working on real and accurate interoperability. An affordable EMR that is also quality should offer network interoperability between your practice and others in your area.

CEHRT and Meaningful Use

A quality and affordable EMR should be Certified and meet the Meaningful Use regulations. CEHRT opens windows of opportunity to earn your practice extra money through reimbursements through the Quality Payment Programs. Not only will this boost funds, but having CEHRT also ensures that the affordable EMR you choose meets a standard of quality it cannot obtain without certification. Partnered with CEHRT, Meaningful Use standards and regulations make sure an affordable EMR maintains outstanding attributes for success.

Specialty Specific

Some affordable EMR software is overwhelming and overstored with unnecessary data and tools that your practice will not use. This broad umbrella of information can waste the time of the practice as well as decrease your clean claims rate with an excess of unnecessary coding. Software that comes with specialty specific templates that are customizable for the needs of your practice gives you the tools it needs to stay one-step ahead. Affordable EMR that is made just for your practice is guaranteed to increase efficiency and accuracy within your practice.

ICD-10 Ready

Heading into 2018, ICD-10 will be a requirement for earning reimbursements through the Quality Payment Programs. Some affordable EMR might still have ICD-9 compatibility, which will cause problems for your practice later down the road. ICD-10 has a much more in-depth coding network that your practice will need access to if it wants to keep up with 2018 regulations and compliance.

Practice Management

Affordable EMR that offers integration with practice management software connects your practice in an essential way. You should have the ability to utilize your EMR for scheduling, maintaining accuracy with insurance payers, and accessing patient health information quickly. This is completely possible with an affordable EMR and your practice should not settle when it comes to integrating practice management into its electronic medical records.


Many providers have an in-house billing department that is completely separate from every other department. Quality affordable EMR should integrate billing capability, whether working seamlessly with your in-house billing or offer its own billing software, letting you outsource. For providers looking to start from scratch with the technology and software at their practice, EMR with billing integration capability is set apart from the rest and offering a seamless transition for your practice.

All of these tools work together to create a quality affordable EMR software that guarantees the success in integration within your practice. When searching for an EMR to implement into your practice, take the time to find the one that meets these needs, and there will be no problems down the road. Any change within a practice can cause discord, so it is important to take the steps necessary to prevent any friction possible through the integration of new technology into your practice. Do not hesitate to ask vendors if they meet these requirements, and when they do not, keep searching until you find one that does.


Contributor: Kennedy Wright is a student at Northern Kentucky University working towards her Masters in Trauma Social Work with a goal of becoming a professional trauma psychologist. She has written for various publications during her time studying and is a standing contributor to the iSalus Healthcare blog.

