Homogenizing the CxO persona isBullShit

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2 min readJun 30, 2024

Work personas are archetypes that reflect the goals, needs, and traits of a defined role — Unknown

The 2022 Amazon Web Services (AWS) C-Suite Report found that COOs prioritize resource security (45%) and performance (42%) over access to more advanced capabilities(34%) and total cost of ownership (TCO) (36%). Chief Procurement Officers care most about TCO (45%) and performance (45%) over time-to-market or the ability to innovate quickly (16%). CHROs lean toward access to leading technology and tools to attract the best-in-class digital talent (42%).

The essential component of this study is that CxOs do not have the same concerns, measures of success, or objectives. However, I often find individuals indicating, “Selling to a CxO is different than selling to a technical leader.”. Different CxO personas don’t share identical KPIs, strategies, levers, or priorities. Homogenizing CxOs is analogous to believing a DBA’s and a Operations Engineer’s metrics, objectives, and priorities are identical.

Unless a person understands the goals, needs, and traits of the person on the other side of the table, you can not successfully develop a solution that will satisfy their desires. Individuals have multiple personas beyond work. They traditionally consisted of home Tom, work Tom, and friend Tom. Now we have social media Tom, and soon AI Tom. No wonder people are confused with who they are. These personas often have different and conflicting desires and motives, just as the CxO personas are divergent and unique. The table (pun intended) lists common CxO personas, and defines their KPIs, strategy, levers, and priorities.

CxO Personas

The call to action: 1) Stop treating CxO personas the same. 2) Talk the vernacular of the persona. 3) Align to the KPIs of the persona most important to you.




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