Abstract & Industry’s Status

Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2020

ISDA Homepage : https://www.isda.io/

ISDA Official Telegram : https://t.me/ISDASDT


Sports data analysis enabled more detailed analysis on the performance of individual athletes or teams based on objectively collected data than the existing methods. Through this, it has contributed to the development of the overall sports industry.

Objective data using the collected data and an intuitive judgment based on long experience of professional leaders could be considered complementary, and proper combination of these two concepts enables an optimized efficient management.

‘Moneyball’, a movie based on a true story, shows the value of sports data analysis in detail, but also shows the limitations of coach’s operation method that is solely dependent on data.

Sports data analysis can serve as a great tool in the part of making decisions by a coaching staff. If a coaching staff relies solely on data or vice versa, he or she will have to operate in an extremely biased way, and it will be difficult to expect good results. However, when objective data and intuitive judgment of a professional coaching staff are appropriately combined, a very positive effect can be expected. The sports data analysis which became possible by the combination of such advanced technologies has been mainly used only in the adult professional leagues or the national level, and could considered as taking up a low figure in the sports industry as a whole.

Particularly, the importance of youth level sports seems to be sufficiently recognized in the existing sports world, but the development speed is slow due to the lack of operational know-how and profitability.

With the introduction of sports data analysis on the youth level, many young athletes are given more objective evaluation than the existing ones. Through this, a healthy youth sports ecosystem can be developed, which ultimately provides an environment that can nurture a greater number of outstanding athletes. This will lead it to the development of the overall sports industry.

ISDA focuses on this reality and seeks to apply sports data analysis to the youth level. And the unique profit structure of the ISDA platform along with the operational know-how of the team members and partners will solve the existing problems. Through the ISDA platform where big data, AI, AR, VR and blockchain are combined, ISDA intends to build a youth sports ecosystem which enables a virtuous cycle.

Industry’s Status

Currently, football has an overwhelming share in the sports market. Starting with football, ISDA has a roadmap to ultimately grow into a platform for a broader range of sports.

In a technical view, the capacity for gathering data of 22 football players continuously moving at the same time means that it can be easier to handle other sports with less dynamic tendency. Considering this point, it is very likely that the possibility of starting from football and expanding to other sports would be very high.

“ISDA is International Sports Data Alliance”

