Hello, This is ISDA.
we have an event for fund-raising business. SDT will be provided to a total of 500 people.
1. King chatter!
We give 1st and 2nd place users who chat the most, SDT!!
- How to participate : chat actively in ISDA official telegram channel. -> https://t.me/ISDASDT (Compete with chats recorded from now on)
- pay schedule : Two people are selected every week. We give 50,00 won worth of SDT to each of them.
- payment date : February 26
2. ISDA Mission Event
We have a quiz and mission event in ISDA official telegram channel. -> https://t.me/ISDASDT
Please participate in the event and win the prize.
- Period : January 14, 2021 ~ Until we get 500 winners (Duplicate participation available)
- pay schedule: 3,000 won worth of SDT for each win.
- payment date : February 26 (The payment will be reflected in the price on the day before the payment date.)
I hope that many of you will participate :-)