How to build a digital presence with three-time author Michael Brito.

#TwelveDaysofISDI: Career advice, interviewing tips, and Silicon Valley secrets to make your 2018 the best it can be.

<ISDI> Digital University
5 min readDec 8, 2017


Three french hens are almost better than Friday, and Friday is almost better than our next digital leader. Say hello to Michael Brito, digital strategist, published author, TEDx speaker, adjunct professor, and an avid 49er and Lakers fan! Michael has over 20 years of experience helping organizations break through the clutter and reach their audience with game-changing content. His latest book, Participation Marketing, will be available in March 2018.

Look forward 6 months, 2 years, and 10 years from now — where do you see your industry heading? Any major disruptors?

10 years from now, I have no clue. However, if you take a look at the last 10 years, Twitter was only a few years old. Facebook barely had 50M users and brands were really trying to figure out social media. It was a time of “test & learn” and a lot of failure. Even today, many brands have not fully embraced the evolution of marketing and the need for social media to be integrated across functions — PR, marketing, customer support, thought leadership & employee activation.

If one thing is for certain though, the common denominator of looking at history and the future is disruption.

Technology today is still evolving and at a more more rapid pace. With the rise of networks like Snapchat and Instagram Stories coupled with virtual & augmented reality, it’s increasingly become more difficult if not impossible for brands to reach their audiences with game-changing content. That means that brands are going to have to be creative when they build their narratives and be omni-present, or everywhere. VR and AR will continue to grow as the technology gets better so brands will need to understand how to leverage the new technology when telling brand stories.

What are the best pieces of advice you could give to someone who wants to build a digital presence?

First, I think it’s important to realize the building a personal brand today is not something to ponder or just think about. It’s absolutely necessary in today’s world and every moment wasted on pondering is a missed opportunity. If you want to remain competitive in the job market, a consultant or as an entrepreneur, your personal brand must remain your number one priority.

Here are four things to think about as you ponder:

  1. Have a point of view and don’t be afraid to take a stand. Sometimes, having a controversial point of view about a topic is a good thing.
  2. Be active. Repetition is key. The more you engage online with people, the more it will feel less like a chore. It’ll become habit.
  3. Don’t recycle thought leadership. Own an issue. If you can’t think of anything new, be more analytical and provide thoughtful commentary on an idea, campaign or some new, innovative technology.
  4. Give and you shall receive. Engage with others, share their content, comment on it; and they will do the same.

Tell us about a mistake you’ve made in your career and what you’ve learned from it.

I didn’t hire someone once because they flopped the interview. He didn’t seem prepared, resume looked average and he didn’t give me eye contact when I asked him questions. Two years later I hired him and got the backstory of what he’d been through the days leading up to the interview. His mom had just passed away and he was still grieving. I realized then that everyone is going through their own journey. Don’t judge one moment in time.

What top qualities do you look for when building a team?

Experience certainly matters especially in highly technical roles but it can always be taught. It’s more difficult to teach behavior, especially to adults.

Character. Integrity. Empathy. These attributes are what make the most highly successful teams. The catch is that leaders themselves must also foster the same characteristics or the model just won’t work. Typically behavior is imitated so leaders and managers must always be aware of their actions, even when no one is looking.

How important is data-driven marketing?

As someone who struggled with math and failed algebra twice in college, I can’t believe I am saying this — but data is the only way marketers can truly reach their audiences. What I have learned over the years is less about percentage points or standard deviation. It’s about looking at social data, extracting key insights and then using those insights to build data-driven marketing programs that will:

  • Inform a brand narrative, creative campaign or editorial approach
  • Identify the right influencers and activate them across paid, earned, shared and owned media help build laser-focused targeting and segmentation for paid social
  • Inform all content — blogs, bylines, web copy, media pitches, newsletter and more

One more thing! We’re offering a FREE Webinar on “Careers in the Digital Age” with Steve Cadigan, former VP of Talent at LinkedIn and Cofounder of ISDI Digital University.


Missed a day? More Silicon Valley secrets here:
Day 1: Former VP of Talent at LinkedIn and a Partridge in a Pear Tree
Day 2: Director of Digital and Social of the 49ers and Two Turtle Doves
Day 4: Research Director of Google Cloud and Four Calling Birds

To learn more about ISDI Digital University and the 9-month master’s degree in digital business program, visit us at

