ISDI Student Spotlight ft. Steve Schrepferman

In this weekly series, we’ll be highlighting the student journeys and accomplishments of our future leaders in digital business.

<ISDI> Digital University
4 min readMar 25, 2018


This week, features a jack-of-all-sales and marketing guy whose experience and passion for growing (and saving) companies has lead to a very fulfilling career. Scroll down and get to know a little about Steve!

1.Tell us a little bit about your background and why you decided to make ISDI a part of your journey?
I have 20+ years in high tech spanning Business Development, Sales, and Marketing across multiple markets (Mobile, Wireless, IoT, Automotive, Communications, Gaming). In my last role, I inherited the responsibility of Digital Marketing. I realized I had no idea what that was about and how I could influence it to improve our business. Upon transition to my next adventure, whatever that might be, I thought that ISDI could fill a massive blind spot in Digital Business and better enable me to more effectively extend my career.

2. If your friends and family had to use 3 words to describe you what would they be?
1) Fun-loving, great sense of humor
2) Adventurous — Loves to try new things, Thinks he can do anything
3) Tenacious — Doesn’t give up.

3. What is your proudest work accomplishment? Life accomplishment?
1) Work: I was able to lead a sales team from bankruptcy to an IPO 15 months later (during 2009 downturn) and ultimately achieve market leadership. I had never been in nor led a sales organization prior to the role (nor did I volunteer for it). The executive leadership team saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself — that I had the unique skills and capabilities to help lift the company to health again.

2) Life: tough one. Maybe I haven’t accomplished it yet :)… Still searching. I guess I would approach this from a POV from making a decision that changed the course of my life. When I was 19, I decided to join the US ARMY. No big wars or anything then, but I wanted to serve. I was stationed in West Germany (hard to believe that there once was a West and East Germany). Basically, this became a huge turning point and launch pad for the rest of my life and the lessons of life I learned in the Army stay with me to this day. Other pivotable accomplishments: Getting Married :) … Getting my MBA at 30…. Getting a MIB at 54

4. What is a surprising fact not many people know about you or something you wish more people knew about you?
Nothing surprising. I’m pretty transparent. I love to work (crazy concept) and help businesses grow or thrive through change. I wish I could travel to countries that might not be considered “safe” — we are more of the same, that we are different, but media has a bad way of pitting people against one another. So I’d definitely like to see much more of the world. I love an adventure!

5. If you had to write a book about something, and you knew it would be an all time best seller (as in this message would be seen by millions of people) what would it be and why?

Don’t Worry, Be Happy. Be curious. Check out the world — venture out. I worry all the time and it’s just a waste of time. Rather, we have the key to unlock all the cages we create. We can do anything we set our minds to. There is no “impossible”. Try not to say “I can’t…”…. because you can! We create artificial boundaries that even we can’t/won’t allow ourselves to pass. Hint: we can extend those boundaries as far as we want… just stop worrying about what others might say about you. They wish they had the gumption to venture out.
Also, take the time to listen more. Funny that silent and listen are spelled with same letters. And this is coming from someone who likes to talk and can’t stand the sound of silence most of the time. We can learn so much from one another. Ohh yeah, one more thing, I remember this line to that I heard sometime back… “God gave us two ears and one mouth… so we should listen at least twice as much as we talk” … Easier said than done sometimes, but good words of wisdom.

6. What is a piece of advice you’d give to the younger version of yourself?

Be open to the voice of the universe. Don’t worry so much. Invest in yourself — education or otherwise. You only get one shot at it, so make the most of it. Do your best to figure out what you want to do early. Be practical. You don’t have to be rich, but it’s certainly helpful if what you choose puts money in your pocket. Invest early. Save 10–15% every year and invest it (wisely) for later. Don’t time the market.

7. What technological innovation are you most excited about in the coming decades?

Blockchain, AI

Thanks for joining us on our Student Spotlight Series! For more ISDI blog posts written by our amazing students and our esteemed academic board, check them out at our ISDI Blog here.

