Alexander Mays
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2016


Bonjour! That’s how you say hello in Spanish right?

Anyways, welcome to my humble abode. Here I will post information relating to my trip to Spain starting Tuesday June 28th, approximately 22 hours from the writing of this blog. As this is my first post on this blog, let’s get the formalities out of the way. My name is Alex and throughout the repeated and evidently inconsequential accumulation of posts that is my blog, you will be subjected to perhaps some of the most boring literature to ever grace your eyes. You will not only read about a 16 year old’s trip to Spain, you will be engulfed in the rich and interesting content consisting of homework, plane rides, bus rides, bucket lists, and more homework.

In other words, welcome.

On the menu today we’re serving a crowd favorite. Bucket lists!

1. Tapas!

Tapas are a wide variety of appetizers, or snacks, in Spanish cuisine. They may be cold (such as mixed olives and cheese) or hot (such as chopitos, which are battered, fried baby squid). In select bars in Spain, tapas have evolved into an entire, sophisticated cuisine.

I mean that’s just what it says on Wikipedia

But just look at those curves! The thickness of it! Oh my god. Are those sausages in the back? And is that… No, it couldn’t be. Is that the infamous pizza? So Exquisite. So rich. So flavorful. I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited for something in my entire life.

2. Experiencing the Language

Ahhh, nothing says serenity quite like not understanding anything anyone is saying.

Seriously though, learning a new language is likely going to be a difficult journey. I’ve never really showed a particular aptitude for new languages, but hopefully that’ll change, as most of my learning will be hands on, rather than in the classroom. That notwithstanding, it should also be a rewarding journey as well. Learning something new is always very enjoyable, especially when you can see progress. It’ll also help me immerse myself within the Spanish culture, which is part of why we’re all here!

3. Siesta

There’s nothing better than the sweet escape of sleep. Especially when coming in from a hard day of doing homework by the pool. Personally, I look forward to taking a nap around midday. Partly because it’s relaxing, and partly because it’s something new and interesting. Plus it brings me closer to understanding Spanish life, which is fun in itself. It also could potentially change the way I think, as it splits my day into multiple parts, thereby making the day seem longer than it actually is. Huh, interesting.

I’m looking forward to our trip and I hope you’ve enjoyed our little talk. Tune in next time for more exciting content!

Au revoir! -Alexander Mays

