Why I’m Not Making New Year’s Resolutions

Krista Varela Posell
Ishful Thinking
Published in
6 min readDec 31, 2020


It’s not because I don’t have goals

Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels

The end of the year always makes me optimistic(ish). I can’t help but be enticed by the prospect of starting over with a clean slate, even if it is a societally-fabricated one. There is something invigorating about the turning over of a calendar year, especially after so much happened to make many of us ready to put 2020 in the rearview mirror and never look back.

I’m not under the delusion that life is going to magically reset on January 1st, and we still have a long way to go before things will look anywhere close to what they were at the beginning of 2020. But I do think there’s some value in taking the time to annually evaluate where I’m at compared to where I want to be, at least within the aspects of my life that I have control over. During the holidays, I do a lot of reflection: what went well this year, what didn’t, and what I want for the future.

But I’ve decided to stop making New Year’s resolutions going forward. I still have goals I want to accomplish in 2021. But I’m reframing the way I look at those objectives to make them more realistic to achieve.

How I’ve set myself up for failure in the past

I can’t remember a single New Year’s resolution that I’ve ever kept. Whether it was to “exercise…



Krista Varela Posell
Ishful Thinking

She/her. Queer Latina Dachshund mom. Lover of words & humans. Essays in The Bold Italic & Polyamory Today. Co-creator of Poly in Place.