Monster Soul Master Christmas Ranking Event

Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2023

Hi explorers! To celebrate the holiday season, we’re excited to bring you our mini-game Monster Soul Master ‘s Christmas Ranking Event!

Rack up points whenever you explore, summon, or merge monsters from December 6–29, 2023 for a chance to dominate the leaderboards and win exciting prizes!

How the MSM Christmas Ranking Event Works

The event is divided into two (2) leagues — the Hatchlings League and the Silver League, and each has corresponding prizes for the top players in each category.

League 1: Hatchlings League

The Hatchlings League is designed for non-paying or low-spending players. Collect eggs and hatchlings, with each dark-star monster equivalent to 1 point.

If you have 300 ISK, you can claim 30 Explorer Tickets daily, and if you’re a Gold Tier or above in the Iskra Community Tier System, you’re eligible for even more daily Explorer Tickets.

Remember, the key to victory is collecting monsters every day — the more you gather, the closer you are to winning.

PRO TIP: Consider using 3 Dark Star Orbs to summon monsters, as it could give you a competitive edge. However, the most crucial strategy is to consistently use your daily Explorer Tickets to discover monsters and merge them. Stay active and strategic to dominate the leaderboard!

League 2: Silver League

Collect silver-star monsters, with each having corresponding points:

  • 1-Silver Star Monster — 50 points
  • 2-Silver Star Monster — 5,000 points
  • 3-Silver Star Monster — 3,000,000 points

The Silver League is dedicated to monster hunters who want to dive deeper into Monster Soul Master.

By purchasing higher-grade Orbs, you can merge monsters of higher grades and earn massive points. Remember, these high-tier monsters play a crucial role in Monster Soul Master’s upcoming game content.

Don’t worry if your monsters disappear after several merge attempts. Even if they vanish, the points you acquired from them remain to help in your ranking!

If you’re lucky, you can successfully merge 2-Silver Star or 3-Silver Star monsters, which are highly coveted and very valuable. Keep merging and aiming for those high-tier monsters to make the most of your Silver League experience!

Scoring Mechanics

  • Only monsters acquired through Explore, Summon, and Merge are counted.
  • Monsters obtained through Melt are not counted. However, if you Merge a monster that was melted and you acquire a new monster, it will be counted in your score.
  • Even if a monster disappears through Merge, the points already obtained do not disappear.
  • The score is calculated from 00:00:01 on December 6, 2023 to 23:59:59 on December 29, 2023.
  • The leaderboard is provided up to 30th place for both League 1 and 2. The winners are up to 10th place.
  • Users CANNOT choose to participate in which league they will fall into as this is automatic. Those who rank in League 2 will be listed first and excluded from the League 1 list.

About Iskra

Iskra is a single-destination Web3 game platform for developers and players that rewards them for their contribution and participation through a unique community system on the blockchain. This allows stakeholders to take a major part in building the platform for future growth.

Current services include a wallet, DEX, marketplace, NFT Mission Card (daily reward), governance staking and voting, and soon-to-launch Web3 casual and hyper-casual games.

Backed by some of the biggest technology and video game companies in South Korea, Iskra ranks in the top categories for gaming in DappRadar for unique active wallets per day and engagement.

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Originally published at on December 6, 2023.



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