An Interconnected World (Video)

Islam & Liberty
Islam & Liberty
Published in
1 min readJul 23, 2017

Between power and politics, power is the ability to have things done and politics is the ability to decide which things are to be done.
-Zygmunt Bauman (1925–2017)

Terrorism is a global problem. Climate change is a global problem. Economic inequality is a global problem. The refugee crisis is a global problem. No nation state can solve any of these on its own.

The traditional political elite are failing precisely because of that — they’re globalists stuck in a nation-state system. They’re set up to fail. The nation-state model is based upon the illusion that the state is ultimately sovereign and has full willpower and agency, and can solve its problem through exercing its soveriegnty. But this doesn’t work any more.

I don’t know if it ever worked. The greatest problems in the world, including those that the populists exploit to get to power, are global in nature. Bringing nation-state size solution to global-size problems is like bringing a knife to a gunfight.

