How to Resist (Video)

Islam & Liberty
Islam & Liberty


The tides of authoritarianism are rising. The worst way to resist injustice is through violence — so how should we fight back?

Video Transcript

The worst way to resist ever, is through violence and riots. Take it from us.

So how should we resist? Well, first of all realize that politicians won’t deliver anything. It’s your struggle. Find your people and organize.

Build stronger communities, build stronger societies. Invest your time and effort and faith in civil society and its activists. Do not trust establishment business or establishment media or establishment politicians. They’re going to betray you for their own interests.

Don’t put your faith in foreign governments either — this struggle began and will end in your own society. Your international relations should be people to people and society to society.

Talk to governments but do not put your faith in them. Now, if they assault rule of law do not give up on rule of law — insist on it even more and ensure that the law works. If they assault freedom of speech do not give up on freedom of speech. Insist on it even more and continue to speak truth to power.

Do not dismiss them, do not call them stupid and do not hate them. Let them know that you want human rights and dignity for everyone, including them. Remember and believe that hate cannot melt hate, only reinforce it. Only love can melt hate, make that a cornerstone of your belief.

Try to listen and empathize, but never justify and normalize. Understand but never ever think or say that it’s okay. Go out and learn as much as possible, talk to everyone, listen to everyone, be informed on the issues. Realize that the struggle isn’t only your country’s struggle — you have brothers and sisters everywhere, and we’re in the same boat.

Get inspired by others — those who struggled against this before you under far worse conditions and continue to struggle. Reach out to those who got into the struggle before you. Say sorry. Sorry that you dismissed them when they were fighting alone. And awaken others — don’t let them accept this or deny it. Denial is a very strong impulse, and you have to actively resist it.

Build layers of support systems: emotional, legal, political, financial, strategic. You won’t beat this without courage, faith, hope and love. Some things are really worth fighting for. Keep at it, keep at it, keep at it.

This struggle is not for the easily discouraged or the easily offended.

Keep at it.

