What is Your Heart Attached to?

Randomly Kawtar
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2018

One thing we all know and feel and experience is that the human heart is wired for attachment, and when it is attached to nothing or when it is attached to the wrong things, then it becomes prone to illnesses, like a body that lacks immunity. The right and healthy attachment is the heart’s immunity against illnesses.

🕊 One of the most common of those illnesses is Addiction, it is when your life and well-being start depending on one source to an unhealthy level. And therefore, that source strips you of your freedom, takes control over you and your decisions, and even starts harming you. .

🕊 And when not treated, it keeps demanding more and more of you as to make your whole dignity and glory fade at its mercy and you still just want more of it unable to take control of yourself. It may sound a bit extreme but addiction is a form of slavery isn’t it? your freedom and dignity are now in the hands of something else, something that gives you but an ephemeral (and often fake) sense of satisfaction and pleasure. .

🕊 But we were created Free and Dignified, we only lost that when we settled with being slaves to things other than the One who created us and granted us that freedom and dignity. And that to the price of our health and our inner peace. .

🕊 What being a slave of Allah entails is ultimate freedom from everything underneath Him, and everything underneath him is faulty, unperfect and most of all, ephemeral and can leave us at any point even when we are in most need for it. But a slave of Allah is too dignified and free to be at the mercy of something so faulty.

🕊 The benefits and wellbeing that come from being a slave of Allah are probably more numerous than the stars in the sky but we still manage to fall for and accept much cheaper and much faster deals that leave us shaky and unsatisfied. .

So who is Allah? and what does it mean to be a slave of Him? I think Ramadan is a great opportunity to dive into these questions and get a taste of what ultimate freedom and dignity means on a day to day basis! .

Because after all, slavery to Allah is the optimal attachment our hearts are wired for.



Randomly Kawtar
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Mental Health & Faith Based Lifestyle & Poetic Prose.