He Changed His Religion, And His God Changed.

Oz The Writer
Islam for The Christian
3 min readJan 22, 2024

Hi everybody.

I will tell you the fictious story of Rahul.

Rahul In India

Rahul was a 30-year-old man who was born in India.
He was the son of a family with 6 kids.
He was raised as a Hindu boy since his childhood.

Photo by Sonika Agarwal on Unsplash

Rahul In Europe

After he moved to Europe for work, he converted to Christianity. Because in Christianity there was Jesus who give salvation by following him. He was happy with this. Jesus was the God as the God the Son, part of the Trinity of God, together with God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. He loved Jesus so much and followed him.

Rahul was a religious person. When he woke up every morning, after washing his face, he went to the balcony and watched nature, and prayed and thanked his God for 5 minutes. He has been doing this since 7 years old, as a family custom.

Until 30, he prayed to Brahma, and now Rahul was praying to Jesus.
He changed his God.

His God is Changed

Now, the God who created Rahul, WAS NOT BRAHMA. His God was JESUS (in the Trinity). He changed his God. He taught “Brahma HANDED OVER creation responsibility to JESUS”. He didn’t think about this much, just accepted. His new God was Jesus.

Rahul In Jordan

His company sent Rahul to Jordan two years later, at 32 years old. In Jordan, Rahul chose Islam and became Muslim. In Islam, Allah was the one and only God. Now, Rahul’s God was Allah.

His God is Changed Again!


Did Jesus hand over creation responsibility to Allah? Because now Rahul believes Allah as the God…

Did the God change from Jesus to Allah? Or did just Rahul’s perspective changed only?

Was Brahma the true God? Or Jesus? Or Allah? When someone change religion, does the creator change???

Does a Hindu, a Christian, and a Muslim CREATED BY DIFFERENT Gods?
Or is it the perspective of people, which is changing?

Is it possible, all beliefs can be correct at the same time??

Or should we find the true creator?

There is a logical surah for our heart and mind in the Quran:

Surat Al-Ikhlas (The Sincerity)

(In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.)

Say, “He is Allah, [who is] One, (112:1)

Allah, the Eternal Refuge. (112:2)

He neither begets nor is born, (112:3)

Nor is there to Him any equivalent.” (112:4)

Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed

If you think (prophet) Mohammed (pbuh) was a liar who copied stories from the Bible and wrote a new (fake) Holy Book (Quran) to control people, I wish you luck…

What if they are all one God’s true prophets...

If their message was the SAME (Tawhid) from Adam to Noah to Abraham, and to Moses, Jesus and Mohammed…

Thank you

Thank you for reading..

If you liked the above article, please also read the previous 5 articles.

Coffee & Tree

I kindly ask for your support at https://ko-fi.com/ozthewriter.

Please buy me a coffee. Each coffee will turn into a tree 🌳:

Initially published at https://islamforthechristian.com/




Oz The Writer
Islam for The Christian

It started with "Wow. Something is starting.. Wait for it.." Now, the Publication 'Islam for The Christian" is up and running.. Follow for simple&clear info...