Islamic Coin Announces Support of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Partners withWorld Green Growth Organization and Youth International Conference

Lucy Bird
Islamic Coin
2 min readSep 23, 2022


Shariah-compliant Islamic Coin has launched a partnership with the World Green Growth Organization and the Youth International Conference, taking place on September 22–25th and September 30th-October 1st, 2022 in New York. The WGGO is an official partner of the UN’s Habitat for a Better Urban Future and the United Nations Global Communications Civil Society Unit and has been selected by Islamic Coin as part of its sustainability commitment strategy.

Central to sustainability are the UN Sustainable Development Goals, announced in Rio de Janeiro in 2012, and are seen as the benchmark for sustainable growth and development for the 21 Century.

In support of the global drive for sustainable development, Islamic Coin has announced that its Evergreen DAO will be a direct contributor and supporter of the UN-connected initiatives such as the WGGO. Supporting innovation, youth employment, women in the workplace and other SDG goals, Islamic Coin is aligning itself with international efforts aimed at improving the lives of those in need and supporting the transition to a greener economy.

Islamic Coin has recently won support from powerful figures in the MENA region, and has already welcomed His Excellency Sheikh Khalifa Bin Mohammed Bin Khalid Al Nahyan to the Board Of Advisors. His Excellency Sheikh Khalifa is a member of the Abu Dhabi Ruling Family, holding prominent positions in the region and internationally, including Secretary-General of the Arab Fund for Crisis and Disasters Response, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Wajib Volunteering Team and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Wajib Volunteer Association.

Islamic Coin boasts an impressive and experienced team from both sides of the aisle. The Executive Board features Khamis Buharoon AI Shamsi, former Assistant Director of the Finance Division, and Assistant Director of the Internal Audit Division of the Central Bank of the UAE. The Board has recently also welcomed Peter J Rafferty, a 20 year veteran of Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (a $600bn sovereign wealth fund), where he held various top management positions, including Portfolio Strategist, Senior Fund Manager and a Member of the Global Equity Department’s Investment Committee.

The Shariah Board is led by Sheikh Dr. Nizam Mohammed Saleh Yaquby, recognized by Bloomberg as ‘The Gatekeeper’ of a $2 trillion market for Islamic financial products. Sheikh Yaquby sits on the Shariah boards of top international finance including HSBC, Lloyds TSB and Barclays; France’s BNP Paribas and Credit Agricole and Citigroup.

Islamic Coin will be rolling out on major exchanges soon under the ISLM ticker and plans to roll out a wallet, a stablecoin and many other Shariah-compliant ventures.

