Al Zahrawi

Islamic History Notes
2 min readDec 14, 2018

Father of Surgery

Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi (Latin name AbulCasis) was known to be the father of surgery. He was born in Cordoba, Andalusia (present day Spain).

He wrote a 30 volume encyclopedia of medical practices titled Kitab al-Tasrif, this was translated into Latin and other languages to be used as a standard text for medicine throughout Europe for the next 500 years.

He invented new methods and tools to help heal patients. He was the first to use a catgut as the threat for internal stitches.

He greatly reduced the mortality rate of babies and mothers by being the first to use forceps in childbirth. Also the first to describe an abdominal pregnancy.

He discovered how to set bone fractures, crush bladder stones and so much more.

An entire book can be written on the many ‘firsts’ Al-Zahrawi did. A large number of inventions and innovative procedures are attributed to him.

Interesting Fact: Zahrawi’s book on surgery became the most popular. Many European surgeons would use this book as a foundation to make their own books.

A page from Zahrawi’s Medical Encyclpedia


