Catalyzing mastermind connection

Gathering momentum, mobilizing supporters

Mars Robertson
Island DAO
7 min readAug 6, 2020


At this level, the default answer is “no” to protect yourself…

…but we’ve been in touch throughout the years, internets, twitters, socials, webinars, events, conferences, emails, calls, everything.

(even if not in person, then through your investment and philanthropic enterprises and the members of your team)

Literally one meeting away…


• Impact investment

• Conscious capital

• Purpose-driven

• Triple bottom line

• Radical innovation

Alphabetical order, everyone mentioned here is of great esteem and importance 🙏

1. Bob Worsley

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From the

As a last big life contribution to humanity, I am creating a team to invent a modern smaller home of the future, net-zero solar, robotic furniture, smart, factory finished 100%, designed around all steel container shipping standards, stackable for multifamily units.

We had some enjoyable conversations (aka “thoughtful disagreements”) about the feature set and the target market.

Bargain warning

My factory in China that I am using has 175 unit hotel with 217 containers that I can get really cheap since the EU developer in Belgium went broke.

Maybe we could use it for some large infrastructure projects?

2. Brock Pierce

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Many memorable experiences from hanging out in Puerto Rico during the Restart Week. Some of the parties were pretty wild… event could easily be a filming set, colors and energy were out of this world

3. Dinesh Dhamija

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Dinesh is passionate about rights for immigrants as well as tackling climate change and promoting entrepreneurship.

Some “thoughtful disagreements” here as well— whether to build PV energy production or energy storage?

No simple answer here. We are post-COVID 2020 New World Order and if we want to avoid catastrophic climate change, we need to change how we treat the energy pricing:

4. Elon Musk

A. Building a house

A conversation about the house is also referenced in the New York Times article:

He had thought about designing his own “aspirational masterpiece of a house,” but decided that it would take bandwidth away from his work “getting people to Mars and environmental sustainability and accelerating stable energy.”

B. Hyperloop station

We are welcoming hyperloop node:

C. Spaceport

D. Cybertruck BaseX edition

We need a slightly higher suspension and you’ll be able to drive on water.

“During normal sea water levels, the water depth between Hõralaid and Vohilaid is ca 0.6m, making the distance passable by walking in the sea.” —

E. SpaceX EU

SpaceX remains a private company to avoid regulation and run faster.

And yet many of the US laws are still applicable:

To conform to U.S. Government space technology export regulations, including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) you must be a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident of the U.S., protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3), or eligible to obtain the required authorizations from the U.S. Department of State.

There is a lot of rocket science and alien technology outside of the US.

F. (optionally) Cybertruck UK

Mars’s preorder is for the UK version. If everything is self-driving anyway do we really need to worry about such little details?

Snippet from the eBussy vehicle: — because of self-driving ability we are not really concerned about the location of the steering wheel.

5. Garret Camp

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In 2018 Camp established the Camp Foundation, a non-profit research organization to support research into infrastructure, sustainability, and conservation projects that will have a significant global impact.

We are a non-profit research organization created by Garrett Camp, founder of Expa and Uber. Our mission is to support research into infrastructure, sustainability and conservation projects that will have a significant global impact.

6. Guy Laliberté

One of the guys who funded the Fly Ranch for the Burning Man Project.

Owner of an island and a lot of other interesting properties.

7. Jaan Tallinn 🇪🇪

His approach to philanthropy is truly remarkable:

Focusing on AI and existential risks to humanity:

8. Jean-Marc La Flamme

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Building multiple eco-villages in Canada.

9. Jeff Bezos

One of the richest man in the known universe.

(only behind royal families, Rothschilds and Illuminati)

He must be received loads of unsolicited message to his

At this level you must be really protected, do you have a direct line?

Do you have a direct line?

10. Julie Friedman Steele

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Truly remarkable:

11. Miguel López de Silanes Gómez

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12. Peter Diamandis

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Super proud to be a member of the, the conversations are beyond next-level extraordinary.

Some of the guys are well accomplished, such an honor to obtain P2P mentorship on a daily basis.

On top of that Peter is involved in at least 10+ other companies, some of them are unicorns.

13. Salim Ismail

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Salim is focusing on the network of consultants and business coaches who instill the values of the exponential world:

(among at least 10+ other visionary and exponential things)

14. Sylvia Benito

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Unbelievable presentation at the ExO World:

Snippet from — — need to signup for the digital replay:

15. Tim Draper

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We are plugged into DEN — Draper Entrepreneur Network — and staying at his Startup House: during our trip to the island:

16. Troy Byrd

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Setting the foundation for SingularityU back in 2008.

Currently working with

17. Vishen Lakhiani 🇪🇪

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Blog post at Mindlalley’s website: — $2000 shelter — winning pitch back in 2015 and our proposal— — loads of similarities…

Big Hairy Audacious Goals

Why the island?

Long stays. Nature preservation aspect. Deep work.

Why this team?

We are in this together

17 SDGs, 17 massively influential people

BaseX has the potential to become a project that encompasses all the 17 UN SDGs

Next steps

If your name is not on the list but the vision resonates with you and you are bound to establish legacy — please be in touch…



Mars Robertson
Island DAO

Creative force multiplier. Effective altruism, exponential technologies. Rational game theory incentives.