Open letter to the Republic of Estonia

Mars Robertson
Island DAO
Published in
6 min readJun 18, 2021

TLDR summary

Can you please exercise article §16 of the Nature Conservation Act?

Technical details

I was ready to accept the verdict — did not win the auction.

It was the existing appeal that made me realize — there is some chance!

Tarvi Söömer is the bailiff organizing the auction

I am forwarding the deed of auction of the real estate Hõralaiu Vara. The act is attached as an attachment, the challenge of Datahouse OÜ is attached.

Nature Conservation Act:

Big vision

The big vision combines a number of themes: REGEN IT








Smart City

Refugee Crisis

I have no solution, but I want to give a voice to these silenced people, and hope there is a willing audience prepared to begin to listen.

We have said it several times: continuing to clone and repackage the containment model is the best recipe for a catastrophe. It is time to demand dignified alternatives to camps and access to a fair and dignified asylum procedure, otherwise those seeking safety in Europe will continue to suffer.

We suggest a solution: building cities

I believe that all these proposals (…) deserve the reality check in well-commissioned pilot projects. Even if one considers the founding of new cities too ambitious, at least the third approach would allow us to consolidate our values and interests much better than if we continue to rely on UNHCR camps.

3D printing is getting exponentially better (and cheaper)

Habitats on Mars will be 3D printed, using locally available materials.

That can happen on Earth too.

The price of the house that I’ve purchased in London is £362,500

The cost of raw materials is probably less than £10,000

By far, the largest contributing factors are the availability of residential land (they are not making land anymore) and the availability of cheap credit.

The second biggest factor is the availability of labor. The cost of training and employing people is high.

At the far end come raw materials, commodities are cheap, everything that can be commoditized the price goes to zero. That’s why I like 3D printing — we can literally use dirt, soil, clay, sand — materials are available everywhere.

For completeness, Earthships — houses build made of recycled rubbish (tires, plastic bottles) — are also a plausible option.

Accelerate Estonia

Our proposal in a nutshell:

Independent food + water + energy that makes housing resilient to climate change and related global instability.

NINBY: not in my backyard

Sure thing.

We are not building a refugee camp in Estonia.

We are evaluating smart city technology.

It is so much easier to start from a blank slate, rather than retrofit into existing cities and troublesome regulations.

(I have a genuine feeling that regulators have one goal in mind — preserve their jobs by imposing even more regulation)

At the same time, we invite marine biologists to our research center.

(one more thing) Elon Musk Carbon XPRIZE

This theme is related to the unique geographical setting.

Low salinity — it freezes in winter.

Low depth — can work in the water easily.

XPRIZE Draft Competition Guidelines:
Driving on the frozen sea could become a tourist attraction —

So what are you doing exactly?

My biggest skill is connectedness, this proposal involves a number of

Smart city?

Off-the-grid resilience? (food + water + energy)

Refugee crisis?

Research center? (algae, seaweed, aquaculture)


Compensating the existing winner



I would like to remain fairness and offer compensation for the hassle.

I hope that we will remain friends regardless.

There were many other bidders too.

Why 100% confidence?

Raising money with the uncertainty of the auction and time pressure proved to be difficult.

You can refer to the dedicated blog post explaining the most important reasons:

It is so much easier with the known price, political support and if we get some press and media attention.

Press release (DRAFT)

Can you believe the worldwide attention it could get?

This is just a DRAFT, with a few key speaking points.

  • The government of Estonia decided to exercise the law…
  • Together with the Smart City innovation program, we invite…
  • We realized that climate change is only going to accelerate…
  • We are concerned about the refugee crisis that can undermine the stability of the entire EU…
  • Elon Musk Carbon XPRIZE…
  • Marine biologists, experimenting on seaweed and algae aquaculture…
  • E-Governance and blockchain tokenization…

This can easily attract the right people!


I have never tried to directly influence the government.

What I know for the fact, is that guys like Microsoft, Facebook, Google spend loads of money for lobbying in the US Congress and EU Parliament.

My genuine intention is to convince Estonia: this is a good deal for you!

Accelerate Estonia solving wicked problems:

We bring together visionary entrepreneurs and public sector evangelists to launch success stories solving humanity’s most pressing challenges.

Personal credentials of Mars

I’ve been involved in a number of projects but only recently waking up to the unlimited human potential and the abundance mindset.

United Nations Climate Change Conference — COP24: — literally lost the hope

Kindly asking for your consideration

The work will continue anyway.

But while are still in the process of appealing — the challenge of Datahouse OÜ — them please exercise the §16 of the Nature Conservation Act.

100% legal. 100% legit. 100% transparent. 100% OK in my book.

Kindly asking for your support

Estonia is a small country (in km² sense) but with a global footprint with the E-Residency program.

Estonia is a small country (1.3m citizens) but that can act to the advantage — people know each other.

If you know people who have influence over this matter — please share this article, please make a phone call…

Contact details



Mars Robertson
Island DAO

Creative force multiplier. Effective altruism, exponential technologies. Rational game theory incentives.