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A convenient entry portal into the BaseX vision

Mars Robertson
Island DAO
2 min readAug 12, 2020

-- — big size, low price, reputable government. The best deal available out there. Kindly asking for $1m. Maybe less, negotiating with the owner.


Blockchain Ethereum smart contract incentives

Pivot 1 2 3

Pivot 4

Big vision

Research centre focused on the operaring system for humanity, rewiring incentives, new models of trust and governance, starting from the network of SEZ (special economic zones) with the unified law — designed for post-COVID 2020 New World Order.

Artist impression.

Asking for 💰

SDGs (impact investment)


Complicated. Too complicated. Still discussing nitty-gritty details with all the lawyers.

Funny fact:

  • The Securities Market Act (SMA)
  • Credit Institutions Act (CIA)
  • Investment Funds Act (IFA)
  • Securities Register Maintenance Act (SRMA)
  • Advertising Act (AA)
  • Law of Obligations Act (LOA)
  • Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act (MLTFPA)

It is the SMA CIA IFA SRMA AA LOA MLTFPA KYC AML that led us to a conclusion it might be easier to establish a new universal legal system 😎

Why this team?

Next steps



Mars Robertson
Island DAO

Creative force multiplier. Effective altruism, exponential technologies. Rational game theory incentives.