#IsobarInBrief with Isobar Chief Innovation Officer, Dave Meeker

Isobar Global Blog
Published in
1 min readMay 30, 2019

We have launched #IsobarinBrief, a series of short interviews with our people who answer key questions about our business and industry in a sentence or less. For this edition, we spoke to Isobar’s innovation guru, Dave Meeker.

What does experience mean to you?

(Good) experience means never having to tell a brand I’m mad at them.

What should marketers not live without?

A willingness to change Consolidation is at its peak.

What is the role of agencies today?

To apply expertise and insights that are hard to come by in isolation.

What’s your view on Innovation?

That’s my Jam. Innovation is about commercialising insights. Isobar is innovative by design.

What is the future of brand experiences?

The future is like the past: The customer should always be right and interactions are more personal and complexity is removed. Brands have made things too complicated.

Tell us what makes Isobar different and better.

The people here are amazing and are empowered to help co-design the agency of the future.

